Category: Q&A

  • American Muslim “Silence” on Anti-Muslim “Cartoons”

    Posed by Gayath Nur Kashif on “A Place for Truth” listserve Q. [There has been]  growing  anger and calls for  economic boycotts by  Muslims states over the outrageous caricatures of Prophet Muhammad [peace be upon him] recently published in the Danish Press. Will  US Muslims follow in issuing a condemnation, and/or urging  US officials to…

  • Are American Schools Forcing Children to Engage in Muslim Rituals?

    Posed by Marshall Fritz Q. Is there another side to the story about this 9th circuit court decision dismissing constitutionality concerns over a Byron Union School District, in Byron, Calif. program that required students to pretend that they are Muslims? A. In the past there have been numerous false allegations of government schools forcing children…

  • What Does Islam Teach About Apostasy?

    Andy Derkson asks: Does Islam teach and support freedom of conscience, so that if a Muslim decides to convert to another religion, he is free to do so without fear of reprisal? The case in point is the claim that apostasy is punishable by death. Non-Muslims must be excused for believing this, when so many…

  • Are Men and Women Equal in Islam?

    Andy Derksen asks: Are men and women considered equal in Islam? Absolutely men and women are considered equal in Islam. Several Qur’an verses (the ultimate authority for Muslims) emphasize this point: “And their Lord hath accepted of them, and answered them: ‘Never will I suffer to be lost the work of any of you, be…

  • Some Questions on Women

    Reader Christina Tucholski posed a series of interesting questions on women which we reprint here with our answers. Q. Ibn Warraq, Muslim critic and author of Why I Am Not a Muslim, stated that, “Islam has always considered women as creatures inferior in every way: physically, intellectually, and morally.” He uses the following verse from…

  • Attacks on Christians and Shi`a Muslims

    Some time ago, following our condemnation of an attack on a Pakistani church, Sajjad Rizvi asked, “For the sake of consistency and also to better inform the public, would you also mention the murder in cold blood of 14 Shi`a Muslims murdered while they were praying only a week prior to the church killings in…

  • Would Extremists Accept a “Hudna?”

    Commenting that Ahmed Yousef’s suggestion in the NY Times for a “hudna” (more than a cease fire, less than a permanent peace treaty) between the Palestinians and the Israelis makes sense, Gordon Johnson asks whether the extremists would be willing to consider it. He quotes a remark by the deposed prime minister of Somalia implying…

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