News and Analysis (11/20/14)

“Vengeance is ours,” saith the State. Not satisfied with the death of the murderer, Israel renders his family homeless …

… but the victims of “the deadliest in months of Israeli-Palestinian violence in the contested holy city[,] … many [of whom] do not support the building of Israeli settlements in the West Bank. Israel’s settlement policy, and official visits to the Temple Mount”, have not called for revenge:

Although the new rules are restricted to foreign preachers, they still raise the question as to how a state that licenses who may and who may not preach based on a state-endorsed training dares claim to be secular:

“The early morning arrest of Mohammed Ali Bishr from his home in the Nile Delta was linked to a call for demonstrations at the end of the month, according to a security official. The rallies have been called by a hard-line Islamist group called the Salafi Front, and not the Brotherhood”:

“The U.S. State Department has confirmed it does not consider two prominent Muslim American groups as terrorist organizations, after they turned up on a terror list issued by the United Arab Emirates”:

Although #MuslimSitcoms spawned “language that creates a divide between our culture and western culture”, its founder still believes that “if people kept an open mind and attempted to reach out to others across borders, social media can diminish many stereotypes and humour, if used responsibly, can mend perceptions”:

“[T]he doctor denied FGM had taken place. ‘What circumcision? There was no circumcision. It’s all made up by these dogs’ rights people,’ he said. Sohair’s grandmother … admitted in May that the procedure had indeed occurred but the child’s death was ‘what God had ordered’. Equality Now and local lawyers plan to appeal”:

How did Ghana achieve “zero hunger”? It all started by cutting the confiscatory tax rate on cocoa farmers by one third followed by opening up deforested land to farming:

“The previous years taught me that our parliament is paralyzed of making any changes unless it’s what the government wants” — a Shi`a taxi driver:

“[T]he gaping hole in the prosecution case up to now has been the lack of motive for Hezbollah to want Hariri dead. Hariri, an ambitious billionaire businessmen who helped rebuild Beirut following the 1975-1990 civil war, maintained cordial relations with Hezbollah leader … Nasrallah in the months before his death”:






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