News and Analysis (10/13/15)

“[T]he vague nature of Iran’s announcement showed that … that the reporter was a bargaining chip … in a ‘larger game’” and ‘that the final decision about how Jason’s case will be handled will be made by political authorities, not by judicial ones’”:

As the Qur’an prohibits wine only for Muslims, the Saudi plan to whip Karl Andree is, like their ban on women drivers, an affront to Islamic law:

“We don’t know who the culprit is yet but the reaction has almost been worse. It has divided the public … because the country’s fault line of pro- and anti-Erdogan camps seems to be trumping all other concerns, including the [separatist Kurdish] PKK and IS” — Soner Cagaptay:

The “commitment of other Tunisians to pluralism and the democratic process” was essential to the mediators’ success. Tunisia’s army is not politically ambitions. and Ennahda, despite “all their critics’ predictions, set aside their election victory”:

“More than 100 British universities are finding positions for about 140 Syrian and Iraqi professors, who will return home when it is safe to do so. They will not be refugees but will have visas as visiting academics”:

“[O]ther passengers silently watched on…. The incident was one of many hate attacks on Muslims uncovered in a study” …

… The antidote to ignorance is knowledge, and the antidote to hatred is love:

“Since Edward Snowden revealed the extent of NSA spying, companies like Google and Apple have stepped up efforts to encrypt customer data so that even if the government issued a warrant for it, the tech giants say they would not be able to comply“:

“It passed with 161 yes votes, 59 no votes and 13 abstentions…. Iran is expected to start work on rolling back its nuclear programme from 18 October … which includes taking out thousands of centrifuges … and pulling out its heavy-water reactor and filling it with concrete”:






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