News and Analysis (1/6/18)

“Some critics feel Allam’s fatwa had little to do with the mechanics of cryptocurrency and even less correlation to Muslim ideology” and more to do with delivering “religious rulings that support the state”:

When an informant told the FBI that Llaneza was harmless, with the mind of child, and had been so mediated by treatment for his mental problems that he couldn’t even hold a shovel, they decided to target him for a sting operation:

It is telling that “the judge and the prosecution are wearing the same uniform…. It’s really dangerous that the prosecution is implying that live-streaming is the worst form of incitement”:

Palestinian journalists and activists have been censored while “[c]alls by Israelis for the killing of Palestinians are commonplace on Facebook, and largely remain undisturbed”:

The “perception that Jews and Muslims are very different from one another and just don’t get along … couldn’t be further from the truth”:

“[M]ore often than not [conversion]’s a positive influence, which can open a pathway to rehabilitation. It gives inmates some semblance of structure and provides a motive to stay away from drugs and alcohol”:

Ibn Khaldun said that a dynasty falls when the social solidarity of early generations is replaced by a taste for luxury in later generations; in Iran that process seems to have moved very quickly:

Iran has been the victim of terrorism, which may account for its “success in combating terrorist groups throughout the region.” In contrast, a Hillary Clinton email accused Saudi Arabia provided support to ISIL:

“A Catholic charity on Friday protested that Facebook had removed a page for Vienna’s first baby of 2018, born of Muslim parents, which had garnered 20,000 messages of support after a rash of racist comments”:






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