News and Analysis (3/13/13)

Is it a war crime for a teenager to fight against an invading army? The Bush administration said yes, but International Law says no:

The defense attorney, banned from entering the country, says, “The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention concluded earlier this year that all the accused before the ICT are being held arbitrarily and in breach of the international law”:

Declaring a jihad on jihadis? The Syrian mufti who once pontificated, “For us to go on TV to tell people ‘kill your leader,’ or tell the leader to ‘kill your people,’ that is not our right… We only say to the leader: ‘God help you. Be just with your people.’” has changed his mind:

“Women were appointed to the Shoura Council after consultation with the highest religious authority in the country, which means it has the endorsement of the religious establishment. More importantly … as Islamic history is full of examples, since the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), about women holding influential positions”:

The Muslim Brotherhood is not alone in attacking the yet-to-be-released document as an attempt by the UN to dictate its own preferences on questions of inheritance, pre-marital intercourse, homosexuality, and even abortion in a document that is supposed to address violence against women:

“Private movie critics inside Iran, while acknowledging Ben Affleck’s sophisticated directorial skills, have decried some of the film’s historical inaccuracies and claimed the film portrays Iranians as stereotypically backward and violent”:

“More than 10,000 youth were languishing in different jails in the country [India], some for close to eight years, without any charge-sheet filed against them”:

“[T]hree civil liberties groups have detailed the corrosive impact the program had on the students, families and worshippers who were watched. The report, ‘Mapping Muslims: NYPD Spying and its Impact on American Muslims,‘ documents a pervasive sense of anxiety and self-censorship in New York area Muslim communities”:

The writer for the Islamophobic Front Page Magazine infiltrated the event sponsored by the group he claims was infiltrated by Islamic extremists; he found nothing nefarious going on which he says only proves how utterly nefarious the event’s organizers really are:






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