News and Analysis (7/1/15)

The irony! A 26-year-old Muslim woman and a religious seminary allied to ISIS argue “for the right of young women to choose their occupation … [while her] father and his young attorneys” argue that the unmarried woman must “return to her father’s custody, since he is, under Islamic law, her legal guardian”:

“This is not the war between Islam and the West…. It is a generational struggle between a minority of extremists, who want hatred to flourish, and the rest of us, who want freedom to prosper” PM says, but still advocates anti-radicalization strategies that might alienate British Muslims:

Among the benefits of a nuclear deal with Iran are: it will push for democracy in Iran; it will give the US more alternatives, and less dependence on Saudi Arabia, in the region:

“Neglecting the pluralistic message of the Quran has allowed fringe groups to use anachronistic stereotypes about fellow Muslims, people of other faiths and entire nation-states, to unleash a form of violence rooted in extreme interpretations of Islamic eschatology (the study of end-of-time)”:

After eight years of hunger strike, and already cleared for release, Tariq Ba Odah is held in Guantanamo, force-fed every day and confined in solitary. All this despite month-long protests from human rights activists and his lawyer:

“It’s my favorite time of the year, because it really does help set me on a track for the rest of the year,” said Congressman Keith Ellison, who has observed that animosity towards Islam on Capitol Hill “has largely faded. Now, lawmakers are growing accustomed to having some Muslim colleagues”:

“My friends and I are all about everyone coexisting — whether it’s your sexuality, religion, or race — we’re all human beings and we all deserve to live without fear” says organizer of the love-in that aimed to show support to the Muslim man who had been victim of a hate crime:

Violence in Egypt is escalating, as Islamic militants kill at least 53 in Sinai, Daniel Nisman (Levantine Group risk consultancy) calls the attack, for which the so-called “Islamic State” has taken credit “by far the worst we’ve ever seen”:

The background of Tunisian terrorist shows the difficulties in tracking radicalization…. “We didn’t see anything strange about him. He was a good and assiduous student”, Ben Elgharat says:






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