News and Analysis (11/16/09)

Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia have agreed to form a central bank and a single currency, with no indication that they will adopt sound currency like the gold-backed (or oil-backed) dinar instead of the troubled Western fiat currency model:

As Zardari continues to challenge the idea that US priorities are also Pakistani priorities …

… Pakistani military efforts in South Waziristan have only forced the relocation of Taliban strongholds without impacting their ability to strike:

“[T]he government is still arguing that the detainees have no constitutional rights beyond habeas rights because they are offshore… If the men are brought to the US, the government will no longer have that argument, and it will be possible for the detainees to raise a wider set of constitutional claims.”

Detained Fatah leader Marwan Barghouthi says, “Presidential and parliamentary elections must be held after reconciliation and in the context of a complete national agreement” …

… as Fatah continues to operate without effective leadership:

“Eighty percent of Yemen’s oil comes from the south but where does the money go? It goes to Sanaa…. The people of the south have not benefited from any of this wealth and now it is running out”:


Minaret of Freedom Institute Program Assistant






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