News and Analysis (9/19/07)

In response to tit-for-tat attacks between Israelis and Gazan Palestinians, Israel has collectively punished the entire strip first by choking off trade and now declaring it an “enemy entity” and cutting off its fuel and power supplies, meanwhile some analysts speculate that the recent attack in Syria was a dry run for later possible operations against Iran:

Trial over illegal kidnapping and case of mistaken identity of Muslim vacationer by the CIA will shape the future boundaries of invoking “state secrets privilege” in courts:

“As far as I’m concerned, the Muslim anti-Semites and those [Islamophobes] who want them to win are on the same side of the faith divide.”—Eboo Patel, Executive Director of Interfaith Youth Core

A congregant is charged with lying to avoid losing his job over his association with a fiery local Muslim leader who walks up to line between free speech and incitement without crossing it:

The defense and prosecutors make their closing arguments in the Holy Land Foundation trial:

Couched in drive to replace military constitution with new legal texts based on individual rights in accordance with EU standards, Turkish PM Erdogan seeks to lift ban of the female headscarves at public universities:


Alejandro Beutel is program assistant for the Minaret of Freedom Institute with expertise in religious freedom, democratization and security issues.






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