News and Analysis (7/22/11)

Is the long-time Kashimiri lobbyist the victim of the cross-fire in the strained relationship between the U.S. and Pakistan?

In Mecca, Rais Bhuiyan realized that if he could forgive the man who murdered two others and tried to murder him then  “we can all work together to forgive each other … and take a new narrative on the 10th anniversary of ” 9/11; on his way to a lethal injection his white supremacist assailant said, “[D]ue to Rais’ message of forgiveness … I am more content now than I have ever been”:

As one activist speculates that “the government is trying to stop the activists before Ramadan,” because “in Ramadan, each day is like a Friday,” another thinks that “as many as 1.2 million people were taking part across the country”:

Australian Muslims who want Islamic law applied to “private issues that go to the heart of their religious beliefs, and is only used when all parties agreed to its application” oppose vigilantes “trying to introduce a sub-culture into Australia under the guise of sharia law”:

“Amnesty International warned on Friday that a draft anti-terrorism law being considered by Saudi Arabia would allow authorities … to prosecute dissent as a terrorist act”:

“Somalia’s militant group Al Shabab announced that a ban on some aid groups remains in place. The decision stems from a distrust of outsiders and a desire to deny the famine’s existence”:







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