News and Analysis (4/22/08)

Experts on law and terror financing find government prosecutions of Muslim charities use McCarthyite tactics and reasoning that arrest innocent individuals, erode civil liberties and ineffective in fight terrorist networks:

The declassified Yoo torture memo gave the government that has increasingly used terror tactics in the “War on Drugs” the green light to use drugs in the “War on Terror” …

…meanwhile Columbia Law School professor Scott Horton argues whether Yoo was merely dispensing legal advice or providing out right protection from prosecution, the former DoJ official is legally liable for prosecution:

Pakistan immediately begins implementing its new counterterrorism policy by releasing a former militant leader from jail after he and his group renounced violence and agreed to peacefully engage in politics:

Rather than using persuasion to avoid programs they deem “not acceptable”, religious hardliners use their political clout to pressure the Afghan government into banning certain Indian soap operas:

Leading Uighur human rights activist Rebiya Kadeer dismisses official Chinese claims of alleged terror plots to disrupt the Olympics:

Lebanese columnist Rami Khouri argues Bush’s democracy promotion strategy in the Middle East “…has gotten nowhere, given that American policy tends to totally discount the will of the Arab people…”

The personnel demands of maintaining empire force America’s prestigious all-volunteer military to increasingly rely on ex-cons to fill its ranks:


Alejandro Beutel is program assistant for the Minaret of Freedom Institute with expertise in religious freedom, democratization and security issues.






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