News and Analysis (6/20/12)

Tariq Ramadan is provides a country-by country analysis of the factors that influenced the events of the Arab Spring:

“Under the previous standards, investment was banned or restricted in companies that were involved in industries deemed to be unethical, such as gambling, alcohol and tobacco. These restrictions are now being made more stringent”:

Tunisians show compassion for Libyans …

… but Afghan refugees are scheduled to lose their legal residency in Pakistan at the end of the year, although many are not ready to return:

The Muslim Brotherhood and other groups rally in Tahrir Square to draw on resentment over recent military actions and give new momentum to Egypt’s revolution:

MENA initially reported Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was “clinically dead” upon arrival, but a security official said he was put on life support:

Afghan justice minister claimed that women’s shelters encouraged “immorality and prostitution,” according to news reports and accusations of infidelity flare within the Afghani community:

“He has done nothing but sit quietly and attentively. The fact that he has hair on his face should not be the basis to exclude him from the courtroom” — defense attorney Lt. Col. Kris Poppe:

Conflict between Muslims and Buddhists in Myanmar make future coexistence impossible:

“Absent from the five marathon sessions in Moscow over Iran’s nuclear program were any new incentives, from either side, to signal that compromise is imminent or even possible”:






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