News and Analysis (9/18/12)

Pulitzer-prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges and others initiated the lawsuit out concern that the “statute that authorizes indefinite military detention for people deemed to have ‘substantially supported’ al Qaeda, the Taliban or ‘associated forces’ would adversely affect their First Amendment rights:

“[T]he prosecutor’s decision to take legal [action] appears aimed at absorbing at least some of the public anger over the amateur film, which portrays the Prophet Muhammad as a fraud, womanizer and buffoon”:

Coptic Bishop Serapion and Muslim Public Affairs Council Senior Advisor Maher Hatout agree “that no religion or group should be blamed for the actions of one”:

If political opportunists and  state media in the Muslim world has exaggerated the significance of the shoddy anti-Islamic propaganda film promoted by Terry Jones, the American media has exaggerated the depth and breadth of the response:
“[I]nflammatory materials that are clearly designed to offend the deeply-held sensibilities of over a billion people around the world only contribute to the escalation of tensions with no observable benefit. Muslims should either ignore such provocations, or respond nonviolently, as per the limits laid down by their religion” — the Grand Mufti of Egypt:
“[T]he prosecutor’s decision to take legal appears aimed at absorbing at least some of the public anger over the amateur film, which portrays the Prophet Muhammad as a fraud, womanizer and buffoon”:

“I hope justice is served because it’s not okay, especially in America, … just to come up to someone and to punch them because we are expressing our freedom of speech” — Tili Ayala, after she saw her fellow volunteer at a Muslim information booth receive a swollen, bleeding eye from a screaming stranger:

Netanyahu and Abbas refused to comment, but “Palestinian lawmaker and scholar Hanan Ashrawi accused Romney of ‘destroying the chances for peace’ and called his remarks ‘irresponsible and dangerous and both ignorant and prejudiced’”:

“After America negotiated a cease-fire that included written guarantees to protect the Palestinian civilians remaining in the camps from vengeful Lebanese Christians, the Marines departed Beirut” but when the slaughter began, facilitated by the Israeli army, the U.S. failed “to exert strong diplomatic pressure on Israel that could have ended the atrocities”:






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