News and Analysis (1/18/21)

Egypt seizes assets of Muslim brotherhood members using a 2018 law regarding “organisation and management of the assets of terrorists and terrorist groups”:

22-year-old Muslim is elected into office to serve on local Board of Education reflecting increased Muslim involvement in politics:

Joe Biden is confirmed to sign several executive orders soon after inauguration, such as returning to JCPOA and overturn Trump’s “Muslim ban”:

Hamas and the EU welcomed the announcement, but Palestinian citizens are divided as to whether “elections held under present conditions would not be fair and free” and whether Hamas or Fatah would accept a victory by the other side:

Indian Government mishandling of land in Delhi following the Partition of India has led to modern segregated communities:

A year after having been cleared of charges in court and “three days after the killing of a leading nuclear scientist and senior defense official” blamed on Israel, an Iranian-American is abruptly convicted without trial and sentenced to ten years in prison:

Nine Muslim federations have agreed to denounce “female circumcisions, forced marriages, “virginity certificates,” racism, and anti-Semitism” and to distance mosques from “nationalist speech defending foreign regimes”:

BJP had to apologize over an attempt to leverage a dispute over wewlfare3 benefits into a wedge between the Christian and Muslim communities:

The victory for women’s rights will, according to one activist, allow Muslim women in the area “to pursue studies, to be a normal part of society, be financially independent, and follow their dreams about what they want to to become”:







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