Author: Alejandro

  • News and Analysis (1/25/08)

    Bush asks Iraq to surrender its fig leaf sovereignty by giving the US wider discretion on military operations and legal immunity to American contractors: U.S. Asking Iraq for Wide Rights on War (New York Times) Turkey’s Islamic-oriented movement acts as the country’s liberalizing vanguard by seeking to ease restrictions on free speech and religious liberty:…

  • News and Analysis (1/24/08)

    The Padilla trial’s lesson is that the government has omnipotent power as long as it’s the military violating Americans’ Constitutional rights: The Ominous Message in Padilla (Future of Freedom Foundation) Appeals court orders resentencing of convicted “paintball 11” member finding his non-violent crimes did not justify a “terrorism enhancement”: Appeals Court Tosses Va. Terror Sentence…

  • News and Analysis (1/23/08)

    After being stonewalled by FBI, Justice Department and Congressional officials into her allegations of national security breaches by Turkish and Israeli agents, FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds tells her story: Found in Translation (American Conservative Magazine) Study by two journalism organizations count 935 false statements on Iraq in the lead up to the war, with “at…

  • News and Analysis (1/22/08)

    Federal prosecutors seek to put Padilla and co-defendants behind bars for life for their dangerous intentions, not violent actions, but all get no more than 17 years: Padilla Sentence: Does Terror Training Merit Life? (Christian Science Monitor) Padilla Gets 17 Years, 4 Months (Miami Herald) Failure of Ahmedinejad’s policies forces Supreme Leader Khamenei to side…

  • News and Analysis (1/21/08)

    Times of London confirms national security whistleblower Sibel Edmonds’ recent allegation that the FBI covered up Israeli and Turkish theft of US nuclear secrets: FBI Denies File Exposing Nuclear Secrets Theft (The Times) US-led economic sanctions against Iran hurt small businesses and lower income consumers, but fail to affect hardliners in power: Iran Sanctions Ripple…

  • News and Analysis (1/19-20/08)

    Canada backtracks on its who’s who list of torturers after coming under pressure from the US and Israel: Canada FM Regrets ‘Torture List’ (BBC News) Israeli blockade of Gaza may force its only power plant to shut down during a peak winter demand for electricity: Israeli Closure ‘Hits Gaza Power’ (BBC News) Building projects like…

  • News and Analysis (1/18/08)

    SecDef Gates begins seeking input from top military brass on the best way to exit Iraq: Gates Seeks Troop Estimates (New York Times) DHS gets slammed for wasting $90m on a redundant and ineffective counterterrorism information-sharing network: DHS to Replace ‘Duplicative’ Anti-Terrorism Data Network (Washington Post) Mistreatment of Gitmo detainees earns the US a spot…

  • News and Analysis (1/17/08)

    The feds go after a Christian former Congressman in order to take down another Islamic charity: Ex-Congressman Indicted In Terrorism-Funding Case (Washington Post) Independent government report finds sanctions against Iran are not working: GAO Report Challenges Effect of Longtime U.S. Sanctions on Iran (Washington Post) In a sign of weakening morale, Pakistani soldiers abandon a…

  • News and Analysis (1/16/08)

    CIA spy ops chief Jose Rodriguez says he made the order to destroy the torture tapes because the White House’s silence on the matter gave him tacit consent: Station Chief Made Appeal To Destroy CIA Tapes (Washington Post) Human Rights First alleges “…unwillingness or inability to systematically investigate or prosecute” possible crimes hold back the…

  • News and Analysis (1/15/08)

    Judge expresses concern that federal prosecutors now try to focus on motive in order to get life sentences after “great pains to not have motive in the trial“: Life in Prison for Padilla? (Christian Science Monitor) Like Dr. Frankenstein, who suffered the consequences of creating a monster, Pakistan and its intelligence service suffer the consequences…

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