Category: Imran’s blog

  • Obama’s First Hundred Days

    Up until the presidency of Franklin Roosevelt, the notion of measuring a president’s success within the first 100 days of office did not exist. In his attempts to capitalize on the zenith of political power coinciding with his election, FDR sprinted to enact as many reforms as possible with the urgency of the Great Depression…

  • Wahabism in Salafi Thought

    Prof. Ahmad Moussalli’s purpose was simple, to clarify the distinction between the Salafi and the Wahhabi schools of thought. In essence, Wahabism is a subset of Salafism. Although very similar in nature, the basic difference can be understood in these terms, not all Salafis are Wahabis but all Wahabis are Salafis. Reverting to what they…

  • Elections in Turkey

    Before the elections, which were believed to be local elections with national implications, Prime Minister Erdogan claimed anything under 47% for his AK party would be considered a failure. How then should carrying only 39% percent of the vote, the lowest performance since his party gained power in 2002 be interpreted? Despite the considerable decline…

  • Sami al-Arian Brown Bag Lunch

    The case of Sami al-Arian touches on many of the aspects of  liberty we at the Minaret of Freedom Institute seek to defend. Ashraf W. Nubani is an attorney and although he is not working on the al-Arian case, he follows it closely. At our most recent brown bag lunch  updated us on the status…

  • Pakistani-American Community Advocacy Day on the Hill

    Pakistani-American Community Advocacy Day was observed on February 26 on Capitol Hill with grand intentions and a less than clear plan of implementation. The objective was to bring members of Congress into a causus favorable to improved US/Pakistani relations. Prior to the scheduled meetings, representatives spoke about the current status of relations and the areas…

  • The Cost of Israeli Friendship

    From Michael Hoffman’s and Moshe Lieberman’s book The Israeli Holocaust Against the Palestinians How expensive is the US’s relationship with Israel for the US taxpayer? Speaking at the Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine (CPAP) briefing, Thomas Stauffer analyzed the overwhelming costs and organized them into six distinct categories. An exact total is very difficult…

  • Internet Wars

    A recent article published by the Associated Press highlights the growing struggle between political factions on online forms. The focus of this story is a video of Hamas rockets striking southern Israel that was flagged as offensive. After a brief review, the video returned with the disclaimer, “inappropriate for minors.” The media has always had…

  • Hindu Terrorists

    Before the recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai, the Washington Post published an article addressing the growing threat of “Hindu terrorists” in India. The article focused on two central points, recognizing the category of Hindu terrorists and the implications of such accusations in Indian society. A review of the lessons of that article is particularly important…

  • Obsession: Neoconservatives Assault on the Islamic Faith

    In an outrageous attempt to raise fears and produce votes in favor of John McCain, the movie Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West was distributed to over 28 million homes with funding provided by Clarion Fund. A flagrant misrepresentation of Islamic beliefs, the film purposely undermines its own disclaimers in order to distort Islam…

  • Muslim Charities in the American Legal System

    What is widely viewed as the flagship case for the US government’s assault on financing terrorism resulted in an embarrassing first act and illustrates the disingenuous practices of the Bush administration. The persecution of the Holy Land Foundation, previously the largest Islamic charitable organization in the United States, highlights the unrelenting efforts of the Bush…

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