Month: October 2006

  • News and Analysis (10/31/06)

    Arm thine enemies: How democratic can you get? The Untracked Guns of Iraq (NY Times) Human rights award recipient describes Syrian experience The Horrors of Extraordinary Rendition ( We’d have thought 3,000 deaths per month would be enough: Language on Iraq — When Is It Civil War? (Reuters) The real Tariq Ramadan: A Radical Idea:…

  • News and Analysis (10/26/06)

    Would he still say it’s not torture if al-Qaida did it to him? Cheney Confirms That Detainees Were Subjected to Water-Boarding (McClatchy) Speaking of torture, ever wonder how we got into Iraq in the first place? Confession That Formed Base of Iraq War Was Acquired Under Torture: Journalist (AFP) Iraq experience may end rather than…

  • News and Analysis Update (10/24/06)

    Rampant corruption continues in post-Saddam Iraq: Iraqi Officials ‘Stole Millions’ (BBC News) Palestinian farmers demand access rights to their own land for olive harvest only to find more difficulty in selling crops due to heavy restrictions: Olive Harvest Sparks Tensions (BBC News) Muslim World deals with continuing violence during Eid: Violence Casts Shadow on Muslim…

  • News and Analysis (10/23/06)

    Eid Mubarak! Adil Shamou asks “What has my new country the United States, done to my old country, Iraq?” What Has Invasion Unleashed in Iraqi? (Baltimore Sun) A woman’s right to be heard in Islam: As Ramadan Ends, One Woman Loudly Leaves Her Mark (Christian Science Monitor) Israel denies American residents visas: Stricter Policy Splits…

  • News and Analysis (10/22/06)

    Keith Olbermann speaks out on the Military Commissions Act: ‘Beginning of the end of America’ (MSNBC) Pressure on Hamas could have unintended consequences: The Palestinian Test Case (The Economist) Rami Khouri argues that “ending violence is a good thing in itself:” Why Israel Should Grab Hamas’ Truce Offer (Daily Star) A Muslim social scientist argues…

  • News and Analysis (10/20/06)

    Baggage handlers file joint discrimination suit: Muslim Airport Workers Lose Clearances (Washington Post / AP) Victim awarded $2000: British Panel Reprimands School in Veil Dispute (Washington Post) Staying the course into Hell: White House Rejects Some Iraq Options (Reuters) Israeli forces use tear gas, stun grenades, rubber bullets and water cannon against worshippers: Palestinians Flock…

  • News and Analysis (10/19/06)

    Ashqar attributes his prosecution to the administration’s desire to coerce him into indicting Palestinians: Palestinian Puzzle: A Business Professor in Springfield Goes on Trial Today On U.S. Charges of Supporting Hamas. He Strongly Denies It. (Washington Post) Volley in a campaign against violence directed at civilians: Muslim Scholars Write the Pope – and Everyone Else…

  • News and Analysis (10/18/06)

    Thailand’s Prime Minister, subsequent to talks with Malaysian counterpart, promises to reach out to Muslim minority in order to end the fighting that has claimed 1700 lives since 2004. Thai PM: Muslim Problem Will Be Resolved (Washington Post) American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee: “Refusing to release the nationalities leaves open a possibility that immigration laws are being…

  • News and Analysis Updates (10/17/06)

    Bush hosts iftaar at the White House and praises Muslims: Bush Honors Muslims Aiding in Terror War (AP/Washington Post) Lebanese ask: Who is the UN really protecting? U.N. Force Only Protects Israel: Top Shi’ite Cleric (Reuters/Washington Post) In his late 70s and disabled, man was held for over three years in Guantanamo: one son is…

  • News and Analysis Updates (10/16/06)

    Thirty-eight Muslim scholars have written an open letter to the Pope regarding the errors in his speech at Regensburg: Open Letter to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI (Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago) The Arab League offers to dispatch a force of Arab and Muslim troops as peacekeepers to Darfur: Arabs to the Rescue?…

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