Month: November 2006

  • News and Analysis (11/16/06)

    A different perspective in news now in English: Not Coming Soon to a Channel Near You  (NY Times) To ensure the safety of Iraqi university students Maliki suggestion is to, “ban pictures, leaflets, placards or other politically inspired materials from campuses “because the universities shall remain outside partisan politics or sectarian affiliation.” In Iraqi Colleges,…

  • News and Analysis (11/15/06)

    It’s not nuclear disarmament, but at least they agree on something: India, Pakistan Agree Panel to Tackle Terrorism (Reuters) Malaki says Release of the hostages is not enough: Iraq PM Demands Swift Arrest of Those Behind Mass Kidnapping (AFP) Palestinians circumvent the embargo: Hamas MPs Cross Egypt to Gaza with More Than $4 Mln (Reuters)…

  • News and Analysis (11/14/06)

    Annan on the West-Muslim divide: “”The problem is never the faith, it is the faithful and how they behave toward each other.” Annan: Politics Cause Muslim-West Divide (AP/Washington Post) Iraqi police stand by and watch over 100 men systematically kidnapped at Education Ministry: Dozens Snatched in Mass Kidnap at Iraq Ministry (Reuters/Washington Post) Al-Arian refuses…

  • News and Analysis (11/12/06)

    Former head of Gaza’s Islamic University gets the nod: Palestinian Factions Agree Unity Premier (AFP) A top investigative journalist and a former CIA analyst sort out the ironic appointment of Rumsfeld’s successor: Defense Secretary Nominee Robert Gates Tied to Iran-Contra Scandal and the Secret Arming of Saddam Hussein Resigning officials accuse the ruling majority of…

  • News and Analysis (11/10/06)

    Haniyeh would rather be right than prime minister: Hamas PM Ready to Step Down to End Aid Freeze (AFP) Violations of cease-fire continue: UN urges Israel to end flights over Lebanon (Reuters) Rumsfeld acknowledges that the extremists pose “stiff challenges”: Al-Qaeda Claims It Has 12,000 Fighters For An Islamic Iraq (AFP) John Pilger asks, why…

  • News and Analysis (11/09/06)

    And the ‘hoopla’ continues: Kuwaiti parliament votes to cut ties with Denmark: Prophet Drawings Anger Kuwait Lawmakers (AP/NY Times) Thai PM reaches out to Muslim south to end conflict: Thai Advocates Islamic Law for Far South (Reuters/NY Times) The ‘veil controversy’ in the Muslim World: “It’s covering her hair, not her brain. You’re barring her…

  • News and Analysis (11/8/06)

    President says “fresh perspective” is needed at the Pentagon: Rumsfeld to Step Down as Defense Secretary: Bush Taps Former CIA Director Robert Gates as Successor (Washington Post) Immanuel Wallerstein says nothing will change despite the election; the silver lining being that “one can think of times when the rude shock of the kind that a…

  • News and Analysis (11/07/06)

    Time to get serious about Darfur and end emotional appeals that lead nowhere: Time to Focus on the Real Choices in Darfur (Washington Post) “We need to liberalize, we need to deregulate and we need to privatize in a big way,” says the Pakistani dictator Pakistan Leader Urges Empowerment of Women (Reuters/Washington Post) Terror breeds…

  • International Conference on Progressive Muslims

    Summary Report by Dr. Omar H. Altalib I represented the Minaret of Freedom Institute at the International Conference on Progressive Muslims held on October 5-6, 2006 in Berlin, Germany, at the offices of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, the sponsors of the conference. It was a follow-up to the Progressive Thinking in Contemporary Islam conference held…

  • News and Analysis (11/6/06)

    Hamas indicates it will name a prime minister selected to “lift the siege imposed on the Palestinians”. Hamas Picks PM Candidate But Doesn’t Identify Him (Reuters) Saddam’s conviction: “Have ever justice and hypocrisy been so obscenely joined?” Robert Fisk: This Was a Guilty Verdict on America as Well (The Independent) She preferred death to employing…

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