Month: June 2007

  • News and Analysis (6/29/07)

    Ethiopian opposition slams Prime Minister for Iraq-like military intervention and internationally respected Somali civil society leader’s office raided by transitional government: Ethiopian Premier Admits Errors on Somalia (Washington Post) Habeas corpus and the rule of law score small victory as Gitmo detainees will have hearings in civilian appeals courts, not kangaroo military commissions: US Court…

  • News and Analysis (6/28/07)

    Religious Muslim charities and individuals come under increased scrutiny from Fatah due to alleged affiliations with Hamas: In West Bank, Hamas Is Silent but Never Ignored (New York Times) Although in control of key positions within the military, support for Musharraf is gradually slipping among soldiers due to civilian discontent and rising violence and instability…

  • News and Analysis (6/27/07)

    Under a Freedom of Information Act request, the CIA partially discloses past misdeeds that similarly resonate today: CIA Release Files On Past Misdeeds (Washington Post) Comparing Today’s Tactics With Those Used in the Past (New York Times) Letters from human rights and civil liberties lawyers slam earlier op-ed by Air Force official attempting to whitewash…

  • The Israeli Prisoner Release: Preparation for War

    Why has Israel decided to release 250 Fatah members, but refuses to release 400 women and children? Especially when the release of the innocent civilians would lead to the release of its own soldier held captive by Hamas? Israel makes contradictory statements about this strange decision. In one sentence Israeli Prime Minister Olmert says the…

  • News and Analysis (6/26/07)

    Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty report conducts survey of sophisticated Internet propaganda machine of militants, finds slick messaging that is “fast-paced and clearly aimed at the video game generation” but for Iraq’s children the country ongoing violence is no virtual fantasy, creating lasting psychological scars:    Insurgents Muster Their Forces Online (Washington Post)  Iraqi Youth Face…

  • News and Analysis (6/25/07)

    Vice President Cheney uses his “thoroughgoing secrecy, persistence of focus, tactical flexibility in service of rigid aims and close knowledge of the power map of government” to consolidate more executive power and block intra-administration efforts to close down Guantanamo and end torture in interrogations: Pushing the Envelope on Presidential Power (Washington Post) Iraqi court sentences…

  • News and Analysis (6/23-24/07)

    The man behind the curtain: A look into Vice President Cheney’s crucial role in crafting American policies: ‘A Different Understanding With the President’ (Washington Post) Iran moves closer to totalitarianism as state-imposed “cultural revolution” cracks down on “labor leaders, universities, the press, women’s rights advocates, a former nuclear negotiator and Iranian-Americans” out of fear of…

  • News and Analysis (6/22/07)

    Citing recent GAO report, New York Times editorial slams Bush administration’s disregard for the rule of law as a “formula for autocracy” and calls on Congress to rein in its executive power abuses: Don’t Veto, Don’t Obey (New York Times) While VP Cheney suggested abolishing oversight unit of National Archives after it objected to VP’s persistent resistance…

  • News and Analysis (6/21/07)

    Fatah arrests elected Hamas officials and destroys institutions affiliated with the party in the West Bank, Hamas responds that such actions “could lead to Fatah’s downfall”: A Leader of Hamas Warns of West Bank Peril for Fatah (New York Times) In wake of massive corruption and rising violence, Iraqi Shi’a VP hands in resignation, shows signs…

  • News and Analysis (6/20/07)

    In the aftermath of the Gaza fighting, ordinary Palestinians and members of Hamas begin the task of removing debris and reconstruction:  Inside Gaza, a Landscape Marked by Violent Change (Washington Post)  Political advisor to former PM Ismail Haniyeh argues that external attempts to isolate Hamas have backfired and also calls for Palestinian political unity and…

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