Month: November 2007

  • The Betrayal of Islamic Law by Its Self-Appointed Guardians

    Any lawyer will tell you that there is great latitude for debating the law in any legal system. The Islamic legal system in no exception. However, certain interpretations of the law are an embarrassing absurdity, and the case of the woman known only as “the Girl of Qatif” is made all the more disgraceful in…

  • News and Analysis (11/30/07)

    Saudi lawyer and human rights advocate Abdul-Rahman al-Lahem sues the Justice Ministry for revoking his legal license and defaming his client, a gang rape victim, of having an affair: Rights Advocate Fights Back (Washington Post) “A young man cannot find true Islam in state-sanctioned religion…So a young man, with all his power, starts searching for…

  • An American Muslim Woman in Saudi Arabia

    When you hear someone mention “Saudi Arabia”, what images come to mind? Is it is a place of mystery where women are hidden away in vast harems? If you are Muslim, most likely your thoughts turn to the Holy Mosque in Mecca, a sanctuary for Muslims from around the world. As a liberal American Muslim…

  • News and Analysis (11/29/07)

    After handing the army’s command over to Ashfaq Kayani, a man considered to have a “clean and solid reputation”, in his new civilian capacity as President, Musharraf announces an end to martial law on December 16: Ashfaq Kayani: The New Man with the Baton in Pakistan (Christian Science Monitor) Musharraf to End Emergency Rule (BBC…

  • News and Analysis (11/28/07)

    After years of broken promises, Musharraf finally makes good on his word to step down from his position as army chief, meanwhile former CIA officer Arthur Keller finds Pakistan’s army has lost the will to fight Taliban militants and argues US policy supporting Musharraf has failed … Musharraf Gives Up Army Uniform (BBC News) Caution:…

  • News and Analysis (11/27/07)

    Mansoor Ijaz argues that Muslim Americans should be considered for a cabinet level position to help defend America against religious militants because their unique cultural and religious sensitivities can help craft better national security strategies: A Muslim Belongs in the Cabinet (Christian Science Monitor) Showing disgust with the Karzai administration over its handling of recent…

  • The Naked Ugliness of Grand Jury Abuse: Ashqar Gets Eleven Years for Refusing to Spy for Israel

    On the day before Thanksgiving, Judge Amy St. Eve issued a sentence in the case of Abelhaleem Ashqar. To the shame of the America, the judge sided with government in its claim that an unprecedentedly harsh sentence was required because of an unproven connection between Ashqar’s refusal to speak to a grand jury and terrorism…

  • News and Analysis (11/26/07)

    Seeking to shield itself from further legal challenges to its invasive warrantless wiretap program, the Bush administration seeks to invoke “State Secrets” doctrine before a friendly Supreme Court that is likely to rule in favor of the administration: Congress, Courts Examine ‘State Secrets’ (Associated Press/New York Times) Modest numbers of Iraqis returning from Syria are…

  • News and Analysis (11/25/07)

    In spite of a lack of evidence demonstrating the Virginia-based Islamic Saudi Academy’s curriculum espouses “extremism”, the US Commission on International Religious Freedom and some US Senators continue their drive to shut down the school:  Islamic Academy in Virginia on Defensive (Associated Press/Washington Post)  Editors from the libertarian-leaning Reason Magazine, argue in a Washington Post…

  • News and Analysis (11/23/07)

    Big brother powers once used under the guise of counterterrorism are now employed to fight regular crime as FBI agents seek secret warrants, many without probable cause, to find the location of drug traffickers, fugitives and other types of criminals: Cellphone Tracking Powers on Request (Washington Post) Although making important strides in human rights since…

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