News and Analysis (3/20/15)

“Cotton proved his absolute fealty to Likudist policy on Iran by sponsoring [legislation] … that would have punished violators of the sanctions against Iran with prison sentences of up to 20 years and extended the punishment to ‘a spouse and any relative, to the third degree’ of the sanctions violator”:

As IS brutality and  terror spreads from Syria to Tunisia and Yemen …

… Iraqi Sunnis complain that “instead of the [Shi`a dominated] government treating us better to win us over, they are treating us even worse”:

“The White House, unmoved by Netanyahu’s effort to backtrack [on rejecting a Palestinian state], delivered a fresh rebuke against him on Thursday and signaled that Washington may reconsider its decades-old policy of shielding close ally Israel from international pressure at the United Nations” …

… while next door to Israel, “[b]y siding with the liberal wing [of the MB], Jordan runs the risk of pushing thousands of conservative members of the Brotherhood into the arms of more radical jihadist organizations, including the self-described Islamic State”:

“Baransu … is accused not of misleading the courts but of handling state secrets, despite the fact that he had handed the leaked documents over to state prosecutors. [With] the military under its thumb, the government now … has turned on the journalist who once made the government’s case”:

“Together, Muneera Williams, 34, and Sukina Owen-Douglas, 33, form Poetic Pilgrimage – a self-described ‘hiphop hijabis’ duo that has created a new type of rap music for the masses that addresses religion, gender and issues of identity”:

“[T]here is a difference between Islamic jurisprudence—a man-made legal scaffolding developed for the specific conditions of medieval Muslim life—and the divine law itself, which is eternal, unchanging and calls for justice… ‘The problem has never been with the text, but with the context’”:

The reaffirmation “that Islam and Buddhism ‘are religions of mercy and compassion committed to justice for all humankind’” and framers intend “to translate their message into as many languages as possible” for Buddhist and Muslim leaders and believers around the world”:

True to its Music City roots, the Islamic Center of Nashville launched in 1979 with a significant donation from Cat Stevens — Yusuf Islam…. Over the decades, it has enjoyed strong relationships with area churches and synagogues, a marked difference from Tennessee’s more rural mosques”:

The judge “said he made the order following evidence that, in at least one other case, young girls had traveled on passports belonging to family members”:






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