News and Analysis (5/6/12)

“Foreign Minister Dipu Moni said Bangladesh will press the U.S. to eliminate its 15.3 percent tariff on Bangladesh’s vital garment industry. Bangladesh exported $5.1 billion worth of goods — mainly garments — to the U.S. last year and imported $676 million worth in return”:

“Al-Nour party, along with others, has thrown its weight … behind Abdel Moneim Abul Fotouh, … who split with the [Muslim Brotherhood] while still backing its broad aims…. ‘The new president must be strong … and not beholden to any particular party or faction” — Ashraf Thabet, deputy speaker of the Egyptian parliament (Al-Nour)

“Lawyer Ragia Omran said that the roundup is one of the largest mass arrests to follow violent protests during the country’s troubled transition. The detainees, who include 18 women, are being interrogated by military prosecutors and could face military trials, she said”:

Organizers of the bake-sale-funded dance’s organizers  ignored “naysayers who could not imagine anyone coming to a prom without boys,” and found enthusiasm not only among those unable “to attend the coed prom because of cultural and religious beliefs” but among “non-Muslim students [who]wanted to go, too”:

Susann Bashir “said she had already endured years of harassment by co-workers and had started pursuing a religious discrimination case against her employer when the supervisor, during a routine meeting in his office, snatched her scarf and exposed her hair”:

“The plight of 15-year-old Sahar Gul captivated the nation and set off a storm of international condemnation when it came to light in late December”:

Her mottos are “from Frederick Douglass (‘Power concedes nothing without a demand’), Howard Zinn (‘Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world’) and a hadith attributed to the Prophet Muhammad (‘Whosoever of you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart’):

“Supporters of the populist president were relegated to a small fraction of the parliament, hugely outnumbered by the conservatives closely linked with the supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei”:

Juan Cole reveals “the top ten reasons Israel’s Likud Party would have wanted to censor American television news on this occasion”:






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