Tag: Palestine

  • What’s Next in the Middle East?

    If Obama’s speech in Cairo signals a continuation of the Bush doctrine of supporting elections while rejecting their outcomes, the entire Arab world will conclude that that the democracy Obama offers is the Egyptian model.

  • Expectations for the Obama-Netanyahu Meeting

    I was interviewed by Javier Mendez of Chile’s El Mecurio. Here are my answers to his questions. Q. What are the expectations for the meeting between Obama and Netanyahu? What are their differences about the possibilities of Palestinian State and the peace in Middle East? A. We expect Obama to press for Netanyahu to agree…

  • Encourage Nonviolence Through Accountability

    ENCOURAGE NONVIOLENCE THROUGH ACCOUNTABILITY [This guest blog was submitted by Ashraf Nubani after the Washington Post, the New York  Times, the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times all declined to publish an earlier version.] There has been much criticism of the Palestinian response to Israeli occupation — especially the use of violence against civilian…

  • Thinking Through a U.S. Strategy Toward Gaza

    On March 3rd something that is (to my knowledge) unprecedented happened in the Rayburn House Office Building on Capitol Hill. A standing room only crowd of over 130 persons heard actual Congressmen (not just outsiders given a platform by Congressmen) objectively discuss the devastation recently visited upon Gaza by the Israeli Defense Forces. It began…

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