The Iraqi prime minister wants U.S. troops to stay.
The Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament says they must leave.
With the nascent civil war now forcing troop redeployments to Baghdad, we still have seats available for our intimate meeting with Sabah Al-Jadooa at the Minaret of Freedom Institute brown bag luncheon at noon today, July 26. Mr. Al-Jadooa’s subject is the prospets for free enterpise in Iraq, but due to the small intimate and private setting you may tyake advantage of his presence in the U.S. ask whatever questions you like.
Mr. Al-Joodooa is currently a Senior Consultant and Advisor to Creative Associates International Inc, a professional services firm in Washington, focusing on rebuilding the educational system in Iraq.
Call 301-907-0947 to RSVP.
Admission is free.
Soft drinks and cookies will be provided.
Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad
Minaret of Freedom Institute
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