Author: Alejandro

  • News and Analysis (3/11/08)

    Congressional representatives say telecoms should be taken to courts “with special authorization to hear classified evidence” to determine the liability of their role in the illegal wiretapping: House Steers Its Own Path on Wiretaps (New York Times) Iranian’s authoritarian political structures stifle real democratic development and maintain harmful economic policies: No End In Sight For…

  • News and Analysis (3/10/08)

    After the blood of 120 Palestinians and 8 Jewish Israeli seminarians is shed in Gaza and Jerusalem, respectively, Israel finally scales back its military operations, but Tel Aviv OKs more settlements in the West Bank, further suffocating the peace process and leading some to speculate that a third Palestinian uprising is brewing: Israel Approves Home…

  • News and Analysis (3/8-9/08)

    Bush knocks down bill on intelligence interrogations, confirming his opposition to limiting executive power by rule of law: Bush’s Veto of Bill on C.I.A. Tactics Affirms His Legacy (New York Times) Poll of Iranians finds overwhelming dissatisfaction with the authoritarian tendencies of their political system, but very high support for normalized trade and diplomatic relations…

  • News and Analysis (3/7/08)

    Despite the effectiveness and legality of non-coercive interrogation techniques, Bush and CIA director Mike Hayden oppose legislation governing interrogations according to the Army Field Manual: Why Congress, Bush Disagree on Waterboarding of Terror Suspects (Christian Science Monitor) Reports from human rights organizations find US foreign policy is increasingly militarized as more money continues flows into…

  • Bonyads and Iranian Liberty

    On March 4, the Los Angeles Times reported the UN Security Council approved imposing a third set of economic sanctions against Iran in response to controversy over its nuclear program. I shall address the unethical and counterproductive nature of the sanctions at the end of this article. First, while highlighting Iran’s current economic problems, I…

  • News and Analysis (3/6/08)

    Even though its record on poorly protecting privacy while ineffectively fighting terrorism has been publicly confirmed again, Big Brother gets a massive electronic database to fight terrorism, raising significant privacy concerns… FBI Chief Confirms Misuse of Subpoenas (Washington Post) National Dragnet Is a Click Away (Washington Post) …meanwhile even with its expanded powers and billions…

  • News and Analysis (3/5/08)

    GAO fails to fulfill its oversight role at the spy agency responsible for conducting warrantless wiretapping: Congressional Oversight Office at NSA Headquarters Sits Empty (Raw Story) Iranian students hit the pavement to protest against government interference and mismanagement of university education and campus life: Protests Flare at 2 Iranian Campuses (Washington Post) After slapping Tehran…

  • News and Analysis (3/4/08)

    Self-styled religious leaders abusing Islam for secular political goals push Iraqi youth away from the faith, creating “a society of non-believers”: Violence Leaves Young Iraqis Doubting Clerics (New York Times) Washington Post columnist debunks the Bush administration’s reasons for telecom immunity, but laments over likely Congressional acquiescence on the matter and other civil liberties safeguards…

  • News and Analysis (3/3/08)

    Blood continues to flow in the Holy Land as Israeli bombardments kill up to 113 Palestinians in 5 days: 15 Killed, Haniya’s Office Hit, As Gaza Violence Continues (Deutsch Presse Agentur/Wiredispatch) Fearmongering versus the facts surrounding FISA legislation and national security: Fact Check on Wiretapping Law Claims (Associated Press/Washington Post) Human rights academic Scott Horton…

  • News and Analysis (3/1-2/08)

    New York Times’ editorial opposes Bush’s possible veto of a bill governing interrogations according to the Army Field Manual: Horrifying and Unnecessary (New York Times) Palestinians suffer their bloodiest day in eight years, as 61 are killed, at least half of them civilians, leading to suspension of faltering peace talks: Palestinians’ Bloodiest Day, Israel Kills…

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