News and Analysis (3/4/08)

Self-styled religious leaders abusing Islam for secular political goals push Iraqi youth away from the faith, creating “a society of non-believers”:

Washington Post columnist debunks the Bush administration’s reasons for telecom immunity, but laments over likely Congressional acquiescence on the matter and other civil liberties safeguards in future FISA legislation…

…which Congressmen and women are currently involved in at the moment…

…while EFF Attorney Kurt Opstahl provides a list of questions for journalists on how to probe the White House its domestic spying program:

Terrorism journalist Peter Bergen interviews abducted and tortured cleric Abu Omar and gives an in-depth investigation of the CIA’s “extraordinary rendition” program:

Arab media remains defiant despite Middle East states’ “charter” stipulating heavy restrictions on media freedom:

“Why can’t the Defense Department today defend the country for less money than was needed to defend it during the cold war, when we faced a formidable enemy with large, modern armed forces, and thousands of accurate, nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missiles?”—Robert Briggs, Senior Fellow at the Independent Institute


Alejandro Beutel is program assistant for the Minaret of Freedom Institute with expertise in religious freedom, democratization and security issues.






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