Author: Alejandro

  • News and Analysis (2/16-17/08)

    Although Bush’s domestic spy program has now expired, many cases allow wiretapping without a warrant to go on for several months more: If the Law Expires (Washington Post) Issues of free speech versus defamation of the Qur’an and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) lead to political saber rattling between Danish and Dutch governments…

  • News and Analysis (2/15/08)

    The House refuses to extend the “legalization” of warrantless wiretapping and holds two Bush aides in contempt of Congress for their alleged role in the US attorney firings… House Defies Bush on Wiretaps (Washington Post) House Holds Bush Confidants In Contempt (Associated Press/Wiredispatch) …while Bush continues to use the “national security” canard to veto the…

  • News and Analysis (2/14/08)

    After yesterday’s blitzkrieg on liberty and the rule of law, Congress and civil society begin a counteroffensive as the House rejects an extension of the domestic spying program, leading some to believe the temporary law may lapse… House Rejects Extension of Surveillance Act (Washington Post) Eavesdropping Law Is Likely to Lapse (New York Times) ……

  • News and Analysis (2/13/08)

    The administration, with Congressional and Judicial rubberstamping, continues its blitzkrieg against civil liberties and the rule of law by approving a new domestic spying granting telecoms legal immunity and less Fourth Amendment protections… Senate Votes to Expand Spy Powers (New York Times) …continuing to defend the “legality” of waterboarding… White House Pushes Waterboarding Rationale (Washington…

  • News and Analysis (2/12/08)

    Big Brother seeks unprecedented power to strip away Americans’ privacy and start foreign imperial adventures, but is incapable of finishing background checks before granting permanent residency: U.S. to Skirt Green-Card Check (Washington Post) Despite the fact that 350 times as many Palestinians as Israelis have been killed in the past year demonstrates that the Palesinians…

  • News and Analysis (2/11/08)

    The US finally decides to try alleged 9/11 planners, but seeks to do so through its secretive kangaroo court system at Gitmo: US May Ask Death for 9-11 Suspects (Associated Press/Washington Post) The Army muzzles an unclassified RAND report detailing the failures of its occupation in Iraq, while Defense Secretary Gates supports extending the “surge”:…

  • News and Analysis (2/9-10/08)

    CATO scholar Timothy Lee explains why the Protect America Act will leave itself open to abuses of privacy, while Ryan Singel analyzes the challenges of declaring telecom legal immunity unconstitutional: The Surveillance Scam (Reason) Is Retroactive Telecom Immunity Unconsitutional? ( Turkish parliament cedes to university women the choice the state had arrogated to itself: Turkish…

  • News and Analysis (2/8/08)

    Mukasey refuses to investigate CIA waterboarding: Justice Dept. ‘Cannot’ Probe Waterboarding, Mukasey Says (Washington Post) Islamic Law expert Noah Feldman finds that Turkey’s AKP can blaze a trail of modern Muslim liberalism by not only protecting “religious freedom against coercive secularism”, but also by fighting for “the individual freedoms and the equality of all citizens:”…

  • News and Analysis (2/7/08)

    Under the guise of customs checks, Big Brother uses racial profiling to invade Muslim, Arab and South Asians’ privacy and confiscate their private property: Clarity Sought on Electronics Searches (Washington Post) The army, Lebanon’s only institution keeping the country together is under attack for its unclear involvement in the death of 7 Shi’a protestors: Lebanon’s…

  • News and Analysis (2/6/08)

    CIA admits publicly for the first time it uses waterboarding… CIA Says Used Waterboarding On Three Suspects (Wiredispatch/Reuters) …meanwhile, former and current suspected terrorism detainees are fighting back against the Bush administration’s use of torture: Feds Want Rendition Lawsuit Dismissed (Associated Press/Washington Post) Former Guantánamo Prisoner Asks U.S. To Review Its Founding Ideals (Christian Science…

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