News and Analysis (2/7/08)

Under the guise of customs checks, Big Brother uses racial profiling to invade Muslim, Arab and South Asians’ privacy and confiscate their private property:

The army, Lebanon’s only institution keeping the country together is under attack for its unclear involvement in the death of 7 Shi’a protestors:

Declassified records show the CIA destroying torture tapes while a federal judge was still seeking information about a detainee:

Secret wiretapping of British MP’s conversation with a constituent in prison sparks an outcry even in Western Europe’s most surveilled state:

New York Times editorial criticizes Ahmadinejad for shutting down an Iranian women’s magazine featuring an article offering an anti-patriarchal interpretation of Islam:

As many Pakistanis glumly predict more violence before the upcoming polls, , PPP supporters say they will “revenge” Bhutto’s death by winning elections:


Alejandro Beutel is program assistant for the Minaret of Freedom Institute with expertise in religious freedom, democratization and security issues.






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