Author: Alejandro

  • News and Analysis (2/5/08)

    A subsequently rescinded confiscation of a Christian’s 32 bibles in Malaysia escalates concerns over rising religious intolerance : Bible Confiscation in Malaysia a Mistake (Associated Press/Washington Post) As the American administration seeks to disarm militias in Iraq, Lebanon, and Palestine,  Second Amendment supporters at home seek to overturn DC’s “draconian” restrictions on the right to…

  • News and Analysis (2/4/08)

    Pentagon proposes highest defense budget since WWII, mostly for ongoing imperial adventures Iraq and Afghanistan… Proposed Military Spending Is Highest Since WWII (New York Times) …but hasn’t used the money spent so far to effectively act against Al-Qaeda terrorists operating freely between Afghanistan and Pakistan: Al-Qaeda Commander Moved Freely in Pakistan (Washington Post) Investigative reporter…

  • News and Analysis (2/3/08)

    State mismanagement of the economy leads to grumbles among Iranian political elite and ordinary citizens: A Frail Economy Raises Pressure on Iran’s Rulers (New York Times) Under the guise of “anti-terrorism” British Big Brother wiretaps Muslim MP Sadiq Khan while doing constituent work… Khan Welcomes ‘Bugging’ Inquiry (BBC News) …however Britain isn’t the country guilty…

  • News and Analysis (2/1/08)

    In an excerpted speech to Congress, Texas Representative and Presidential Candidate Ron Paul outlines why the Protect America Act needs to be opposed: Protect America from the Protect America Act ( Military analyst Charles Pena argues that bad policies, not PR and ideology are what primarily drive Muslim terrorism: Is Bad PR Really the Problem?…

  • A Security Analysis of Bush’s State of Union Address

    On January 29, President Bush delivered his eighth and final State of the Union Address before Congress. Various news reports locked on the President’s emphasis on economic policy and the war in Iraq. A Washington Post analysis saw the President’s speech as cementing his legacy as President by “consolidating past achievements and focusing strategically on…

  • News and Analysis (1/31/08)

    As various think-tanks and NGOs report Afghanistan is becoming destabilized by a resurgent Taliban and looming humanitarian crisis, Canada threatens to withdraw from the NATO coalition unless other countries contribute more battlefield troops: Afghan Reports Offer Bleak Assessments (BBC News) Canada PM Issues Afghan Ultimatum (BBC News) Hamas flexes its political muscles after breaching the…

  • News and Analysis (1/30/08)

    AG Mukasey comes clean on his waterboarding views, suggesting it “could be used against terrorism suspects once again if requested by the White House”: Mukasey Offers View on Waterboarding (New York Times) In order to stave off expiration of the warrantless wiretapping powers and come to a compromise, Congress passes a 15-day extension: Congress Passes…

  • News and Analysis (1/29/08)

    Human Rights lawyer Joanne Mariner argues that anti-terrorism laws have led to global trend in restrictions on free speech: Terrorism and Speech (Findlaw) Senators vote down Bush’s plans to make warrantless wiretapping permanent, but seek to give the law a 30-day extension for further debate: Democrats Standing Up to Bush on Warrantless Wiretapping Bill (Raw…

  • News and Analysis (1/28/08)

    Limits on free expression in secular Turkey demonstrated by 15-month (suspended) jail sentence imposed on liberal Turkish academic Attila Yayla for allegedly “insulting Turkishness”: Academic Sentenced Over Ataturk (BBC News) Iranian officials claim that Cairo and Tehran are close to restoring full diplomatic ties with each other: Iran and Egypt ‘To Restore Ties’ (BBC News)…

  • News and Analysis (1/26-27/08)

    Bush threatens to veto a wiretap bill denying immunity to telecoms: Veto of Wiretap Measure Is Threatened (Washington Post) Former CIA agent and columnist Phil Giraldi discusses his insider information on VP Cheney’s reassertion over foreign policy and intelligence processes: The Return of Dick Cheney (Huffington Post) FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds claims senior State…

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