News and Analysis (2/5/08)

A subsequently rescinded confiscation of a Christian’s 32 bibles in Malaysia escalates concerns over rising religious intolerance :

As the American administration seeks to disarm militias in Iraq, Lebanon, and Palestine,  Second Amendment supporters at home seek to overturn DC’s “draconian” restrictions on the right to bear arms by arguing it is an individual, not just “collective” right:

President Bush unveils massive government budget that includes large increases in military and homeland security spending:

87 Indian Muslim men still languish in jail under a repealed law for a crime that a national government inquiry said they didn’t do:

Despite publicly declaring a reform agenda, King Abdullah has also cracked down on other prominent Saudi reform activists:

After voicing concerns about the anti-Qaeda Sunni militias, the Shi’a-led Iraqi slowly begins recruiting them into the national police and army:

Under a new army head, Pakistan’s military slowly withdraws itself from politics to refocus its intended mission to protect national security:


Alejandro Beutel is program assistant for the Minaret of Freedom Institute with expertise in religious freedom, democratization and security issues.






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