Category: Sarah’s blog

  • News and Analysis (7/29/13)

    Has Egypt found its new pharaoh? … In Egypt, Love for Sisi Overshadows Protester Deaths (Christian Science Monitor) … “Several thousand supporters of Egypt’s ousted Islamist president began marching on a military facility in Cairo on Monday in defiance of an army warning to stay away, risking a new confrontation after dozens were shot dead at…

  • Being Profiled

    My recent experiences traveling back from the Middle East reaffirm my belief that not only does profiling fail to protect us, but it can actually lead to the resentment and marginalization that can feed extremism and violence. I recently had the privilege of visiting Jordan and Turkey over the winter break. However, once arriving at…

  • An American Muslim Woman in Saudi Arabia

    When you hear someone mention “Saudi Arabia”, what images come to mind? Is it is a place of mystery where women are hidden away in vast harems? If you are Muslim, most likely your thoughts turn to the Holy Mosque in Mecca, a sanctuary for Muslims from around the world. As a liberal American Muslim…

  • Finding Respect in the Arab Peninsula

    Sarah Swick, Minaret of Freedom Institute Recent representations of the status women in the Middle East, and the Arab Peninsula in particular, have focused on how women are disempowered and marginalized. Critics point to the clothes of the region, the black dress (abaya), headscarf (hijab), and in some cases the face veil (niqab) that women…

  • Re-Interpreting the Qur’an from a Female Perspective

    Sarah Swick, Minaret of Freedom Institute, For the last part of my blog series on a “Women in Islam” conference I attended, I’d like to highlight another response to how we should understand the Qur’an today. One of the last panels of the conference featured a discussion on re-reading the Qur’an from a female…

  • How Should We Understand the Place of the Qur’an Today?

    Sarah Swick, Minaret of Freedom Institute, In addition to the hijab issue discussed in my previous blog, another constant theme during the recent “Women in Islam” conference I attended in Germany was the role or place of the Qur’an in our lives. There were two perspectives presented at the conference: one position that emphasizes…

  • The Plague of the Hijab Issue

    Sarah Swick, Minaret of Freedom Institute, I was recently invited to represent the Minaret of Freedom Institute at an international conference in Cologne, Germany sponsored by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (Foundation). The topic of the conference was “Women in Islam: Between Oppression and (self-) Empowerment.” The Conference brought together Muslim and non-Muslim women[1] from…

  • “Freedom of Expression Denial”

    Recent debates have swirled over an Iranian conference characterized as “denying the genocide” of the Holocaust.  Moreover, the Iranian president, Ahmedinejad, has been repeatedly quoted as calling the Holocaust a myth.  Actually, Ahmadinejad called the conference questioning the number of people killed in the Holocaust mainly as a means of challenging boasts about the freedom…

  • Pakistani Rape Laws: An Unholy Hybrid

    Over the past weeks and months Pakistan has been embroiled in a debate over changes to the “Hudood Ordinances,” which, among other things, require a woman to provide four eyewitnesses to complain about rape—lacking the four witnesses, she may then be tried for perjury and/or adultery. The institution of the required four witnesses to prove…

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