Month: September 2006

  • Blinkered Politics: The U.S. Attitude to Arabs and Muslims

    by Charles E. Butterworth, Unversity of Maryland Abstract Much like a draft horse of a bygone era, prevented by fixed blinkers from sideward glances, the US trudges through current crises in the Middle East its attention fixed in one direction. Pulling a cart laden with the policies and prejudices of a single country and people,…

  • News and Analysis Updates (9/29/06)

    “We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home”–Edward R. Murrow: Many Rights in U.S. Legal System Absent in New Bill (Washington Post) “It is not the signal that I would have expected the U.S. government and Congress would make in order to try to comply with our recommendations”–UN special rapporteur on torture: UN…

  • News and Analysis (9/28/06)

    An attack on personal freedom: Tunisia continues to crack down on the hijab Tunisia Attacked over Headscarves (BBC News) The power of film: movie pressures France to give equal pension to North African veterans: French Film Aims to Unite Nation (BBC News) Arrested at a rally for women’s rights, a former Iranian lawmaker remains in…

  • News and Analysis Updates (9/27/06)

    Association of Muslim Scholars denounces raid as “terrorist massacre”: Family Disputes U.S. Raid on Iraqi House (ABC) Increased threat due to Iraqi intervention is confirmed: Excerpt From the National Intelligence Estimate (Washington Post) Palestinian legislator says he doesn’t know why he was captured nor why he was released: Israel Frees Detained Palestinian Deputy PM (Reuters)…

  • News and Analysis Updates (9/26/06)

    Tariq Ramadan is denied a U.S. visa again over fear of his ideas and his support for Palestine: Leading Muslim Scholar Is Denied U.S. Travel Visa (AP/Washington Post) A martyr for women’s education: Afghan Women’s Activist Assassinated by Gunmen (AP/Washington Post) Detainee fights to have Muslim chaplains once again assigned to Guantanamo: Guantanamo’s Uneasy Ramadan…

  • News and Analysis Update (9/25/06)

    Gossip shows renew debate about free press and Islamic morals: Dishing the Dirt in Jakarta (LA Times) Padilla trial delayed because “case is ‘weak on facts’” U.S. Prosecution of Padilla No Slam Dunk So Far (AP/Chicago Tribune) Muslims meet with Pope but some leave disappointed Pope Stresses Respect for Muslims (BBC News) National Intelligence Estimate…

  • News and Analysis Updates (9/23/06)

    Ramadan Mubarak! US and EU precondition seems to be the problem: Abbas Says National Unity Talks Back at “Point Zero” (Reuters) Its too dangerous for girls to go to school? Wasn’t that the Taliban’s song? Afghan Girls, Back in the Shadows: Home Classes Proliferate as Anti-Government Insurgents Step Up Attacks on Schools (Washington Post) In…

  • Alternatives to Violence in Muslim History

    Although Islam is not a religion of pacifism, by which I mean that warfare is not entirely prohibited, nonetheless it is a peaceful religion, in the sense that its objective is to achieve a state of peace and security for both the Muslims and for those non-Muslims under its protection. Further, warfare is governed by…

  • News and Analysis Updates (9/22/06)

    “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” (2nd amendment, U.S. Constiution) Nasrallah Says No Army Can Disarm Hizbollah (Reuters) Let the dialogue begin: Pope to Meet Muslim Envoys as Protests Continue (Reuters) Israel won’t accept…

  • News and Analysis Updates (9/21/06)

    Washington area Muslims building bridges with the FBI… Reaching Out Across Cultures (Washington Post) …Meanwhile, raids in the mid-West increase tensions between the FBI and Muslims: FBI raid on Missouri Muslim leader linked to Michigan case (AP/Chicago Tribune) Ingrid Matteson talks about her agenda for her term as president of ISNA: A New Face for…

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