Month: December 2007

  • News and Analysis (12/31/07)

    Seeking to capitalize off of the outpouring of sympathy and anger over Bhutto’s death, the Pakistan People’s Party says it will participate in the upcoming January 8th parliamentary vote… Opposition Parties Vow to Proceed With Jan. 8 Election (New York Times) …meanwhile analysts find that the death of Bhutto and attempted assassinations of other top…

  • News and Analysis (12/30/07)

    Efforts to keep the CIA’s image viewed non-negatively “by Congress, by prosecutors, by the American public and by Muslims worldwide” through destruction of torture tapes ends up backfiring horribly: Tapes by C.I.A. Lived and Died to Save Image (New York Times) Reza Aslan argues that it is foreign policy, not the “image” of the next…

  • News and Analysis (12/28/07)

    Al-Qaeda takes responsibility for Bhutto’s death, and instability and rioting hit Pakistan: Al-Qaeda Claims Bhutto’s Death (Adnkronos International) Seventeen Dead in Bhutto Protests in Pakistan (Reuters/Washington Post) Algeria’s press feels the familiar squeeze being caught between religious militants and an authoritarian government: Familiar Threats Constrict Press Freedom in Algeria (New York Times) Palestinian and Israeli…

  • News and Analysis (12/27/07)

    In a city with supposedly tight security, police stop one suicide bomber from attacking Bhutto’s rally in Rawalpindi, but let a second slip through the cracks, killing the former PM, and failing to prevent an attack on members of rival opposition leader Nawaz Sharif’s camp killing four… 15-year-old Bomber Stopped at Bhutto Rally ( Four…

  • News and Analysis (12/26/07)

    As Congress begins to probe the events and people behind the destruction of the CIA’s torture tape, some Congressional members and former Agency officials believe the orders came directly from the White House: CIA: Rogue or Victim in Tapes Flap? (Christian Science Monitor) CIA Chief to Drag White House Into Torture Cover-up Storm (The Times)…

  • News and Analysis (12/25/07)

    Massive graft and increased instability in tribal areas cause US aid to Pakistan to come under increased scrutiny from Congress: Doubts Engulf an American Aid Plan for Pakistan (New York Times) 9/11 Commission chairman Thomas Kean says the CIA obstructed the Commission’s investigation in spite of the Agency’s denials: 9/11 Commission Chair: ‘No Question’ CIA…

  • “Come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem!” (Offer may not apply to Palestinian Christians)

    “Come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem! (Offer may not apply to Palestinian Christians)” Christmas is supposed to be a happy time. Even though it is not a Muslim holiday, I remember my Mom’s stories of how the Muslims of Palestine used to share in the good will of their Christian neighbors during their holidays.…

  • News and Analysis (12/24/07)

    The outsourcing of security missions to both private mercenaries and Sunni militants inthe US-led occupation in Iraq lead to dire consequences: Warnings Unheeded On Guards In Iraq (Washington Post) Sunni Fighters Need Political Role (Associated Press/Washington Post) Without accountability and controls, military aid to Pakistan intended to fight Al-Qaeda is siphoned off to prop up…

  • News and Analysis (12/23/07)

    In spite of “detailed requests” from 9/11 Commission staffers and members, CIA failed to disclose existence of torture tapes, meanwhile intelligence and counterterrorism experts say it needs to videotape its interrogations more in order to boost accountability and improve research on what interrogation techniques work: CIA Tapes Were Kept From 9/11 Panel, Report Says (Washington…

  • News and Analysis (12/21/07)

    Former Iranian president Rafsanjani harshly criticizes Ahmadinejad for economic mismanagement, citing rising inflation and comparing his policies to the Shah: Iran Ex-President Slams Ahmadinejad On Economy (Reuters/Washington Post) Big Brother seeks to move ahead with a plan to spy domestically from the heavens in spite of civil liberties concerns and lack of communication with House…

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