News and Analysis (12/23/07)

In spite of “detailed requests” from 9/11 Commission staffers and members, CIA failed to disclose existence of torture tapes, meanwhile intelligence and counterterrorism experts say it needs to videotape its interrogations more in order to boost accountability and improve research on what interrogation techniques work:

US soldiers and Iraqi officials are worried that arming and enlisting the “Sunni Awakening Councils” to weed out Al-Qaeda in Iraq will end up as a recipe for more sectarian and tribal rivalries, leading Baghdad to state they will disband them once violence calms down:

Saudi Arabia arrests 28 people accused of plotting terrorist attacks around Mecca during the hajj:

Contradicting statements from two other prominent Israeli officials, PM Olmert says it will not agree to a ceasefire with Hamas unless it stops violence and recognizes Israel:

Indian Muslims in Gujarat are on edge on the eve statewide of a vote expected to elect a Hindu nationalist candidate accused of tacitly supporting 2002 Muslim pogroms:

After mosque bombing in Pakistan kills 56, Bhutto slams the government for failing adequately to tackle Taliban militancy:


Alejandro Beutel is program assistant for the Minaret of Freedom Institute with expertise in religious freedom, democratization and security issues.






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