Month: June 2008

  • News and Analysis (6/6/08)

    Investigative reporter Gareth Porter finds American negligence of Saddam’s old weapons stockpiles and poor accountability of arms transfers to the Iraqi government are the real arms suppliers to Iraqi militants, not Iran: Arming Our Own Enemies In Iraq (Salon) Turkey’s economy loses billions in foreign investment due to fears of secularist attempts to undemocratically close…

  • News and Analysis (6/5/08)

    King Abdullah presides over international gathering of Muslim scholars in Mecca who are urged to strengthen interfaith and intrafaith relations: Saudi King Opens Conference On Interfaith Dialogue (Associated Press/Washington Post) Ronni Abergel’s Living Library uses an innovative way of debunking social stereotypes by allowing one to “loan” someone, including a Muslim: Borrow A Muslim? A…

  • News and Analysis (6/4/08)

    A federal judge completely overturns the conviction of one Muslim charity leader and partially acquits two others: Judge Cancels Convictions of 3 Islamic Leaders (Associated Press/San Francisco Chronicle) Experts say the trial of alleged 9/11 Khalid Sheikh Mohammed will focus as much on the legitimacy of the military commissions as on the evidence: Five Detainees…

  • News and Analysis (6/3/08)

    Two major presidential candidates hype claims about Iranian nuclear intentions, but former CIA-operative Phil Giraldi says the facts don’t support the saber-rattling: Both Mccain, Obama Exaggerating Iran’s Nuclear Program (McClatchy) Iran Accusations Merit Skepticism ( False intelligence, worsened global security and changing regional balance of power top Aussie PM Rudd’s list of reasons for exiting…

  • News and Analysis (6/2/08)

    Sait Sanli stress the Qur’an’s emphasis on forgiveness to end many of Turkey’s cultural blood feuds: In Turkey, a Lone Peacemaker Ends Many Blood Feuds (Christian Science Monitor) Cries of “collective punishment” force Fulbright to reinstate their scholarships to Gazan students… Gaza Fulbright Grants Reinstated (BBC News) …but not Israel’s occupation and further expropriation of…

  • News and Analysis (5/31-6/1/08)

    Algerian youth riot over state mismanagement of the economy: Algeria Riots Pose Risk of Wider Unrest (Reuters/Washington Post) Basrans get a temporary reprieve from Shi’a extremists’ Taliban-like rule: Basra’s Wary Rebirth (Washington Post) US list of state sponsor terror list “has become a diplomatic tool to win concessions from U.S. adversaries eager to end the…

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