Month: June 2013

  • News and Analysis (6/28/13)

    There is no doubts that the Muslim Brotherhood supports capitalism. The question is will it open the marketplace to all Egyptians or continue Mubarak-style cronyism? Extreme Capitalism of the Muslim Brothers (Le Monde Diplomatique) The indictment against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev charges he bought into propaganda that the way to end American killing of Muslim civilians was…

  • News and Analysis (6/24/13)

    Doctors surveyed  “responded that it is also due to preference of son, lack of awareness regarding status of women in Islam and also due to discrimination with girls but most of the factor is lack of religious knowledge”: Lack of Muslim Religious Knowledge Is Utmost Reason Behind Declining Sex Ratio: Jabina Banoo (Parda Phash) Mustafa…

  • News and Analysis (6/19/13)

    “Iran’s president elect Hassan Rouhani has spoken against his country’s involvement in the ongoing Syrian crisis, saying it could be settled only by the Syrian people themselves”: Iran Denies Sending Troops to Syria (Russia Today) “[T]he Bangladeshi tribunal is neither fair nor impartial and we are gravely concerned about the future of the case. The trials…

  • Islam and the Discovery of Freedom Reviewed by Mohammad Yousuf Ades

    [The following article published in the Egyptian periodical Al-Misrioun that mentions our publication Islam and the Discovery of Freedom recently came to our attention.] Islam and the Discovery of Freedom by Mohammad Yousuf Ades Translated from the Original Arabic in Al-Misriuon (20 – 2 – 2008) Michael Moorcock, a U.S. citizen plain of Texas birthplace of…

  • Indonesia’s Pancasila: A Guiding Framework for Egypt’s Constitution?

    NOTES FROM THE IIIT CONFERENCE ON GOOD GOVERNANCE IN ISLAM: CLASSICAL AND CONTEMPORARY APPROACHES #10 [This is the tenth in a series of my notes on the International Institute of Islamic Thought conference on Good Governance in Islam: Classical and Contemporary Approaches held in Herndon, VA. These notes have only been lightly edited and represent…

  • News and Analysis (6/17/13)

    “It’s not just that we can’t prove a sarin attack; it’s that we’re not seeing what we would expect to see from a sarin attack” – Jean Pascal Zanders, a leading expert on chemical weapons who until recently was a senior research fellow at the European Union’s Institute for Security Studies … Some Doubt Claim Syria…

  • Highlights from the Middle East Institute’s Conference on Turkey

    Highlights from the Middle East Institute’s Conference on Turkey These are my notes of some highlights from the Annual Conference on Turkey held at the National Press Club on June 14. Rep. Ed Whitfield (R-KY) says US is suffering from military fatigue and a no-fly-zone in Syria would be very expensive. Henri Barkey of Lehigh…

  • News and Analysis (6/14/13)

    Does this sound familiar?  “Obama’s deputy national security adviser … said U.S. intelligence had determined with ‘high certainty’ that Syrian government forces have ‘used chemical weapons’”: U.S., Citing Use of Chemical Weapons by Syria, to Provide Direct Military Support to Rebels (Washington Post) Is Erdogan beginning to realize he could lose what’s left of the…

  • News and Analysis (6/12/13)

    Not satiated with its confiscation of Muslim and Christian property to date, “[t]he Israeli government has backed a property law that could enable seizure of up to 40 percent of the Palestinian private property in Jerusalem”: Israeli Policy Pivot Strengthens Grasp on East Jerusalem (Christian Science Monitor) “Former presidents Mohammad Khatami and Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani fell…

  • News and Analysis (6/10/13)

    Erdogan seems to lack the ability to distinguish between a military coup by the armed forces and peaceful demonstrations by citizens, while the Turkish media is accused of a blackout, and the protests may evidence, as in the Arab spring, a divide between young vs. old more than between secular and religious: Turkey’s Erdogan Warns Patience…

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