The question for Muslim observers around the world regarding the successful targeted killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is how should we view this individual (according to Qur’an and Sunnah) — as a revered martyr or a reviled murderer? In this brief commentary I will share my own humble view.
Any informed and objective analysis of the Iraq crisis will show, al-Zarqawi was never THE DOMINANT FIGURE in the so-called “insurgency,” that the American/British led occupation made him out to be. He was, however, a convenient tool (and symbol) that the warmongers needed in order to sell the “insurgency” as “foreign driven.” The truth is, the occupation’s resistance has always been primarily led and dominated by Iraqi nationals!
Since the death of al-Zarqawi the “insurgency” – and unofficial CIVIL WAR – has not missed a step. Reports suggest that there were approximately 40 killings, in Baghdad alone, in the 24 hour period immediately following al-Zarqawi’s death – and thus, it behooves westerners to resist the temptation to buy into the politically-driven wishful thinking that’s going on right now (in the wake of this one man’s death). The dance of death and destruction in Iraq will continue unabated, because the circumstance that produced it continues unabated.
As for my own personal view of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi: He is no hero of mine – but far, far from it. He is but one of the many deeply disturbed and disobedient “Muslims” who have turned the time honored and divinely-mandated principle of jihad fisabililah (struggle, at all levels, in the way of Allah) on its head – introducing both confusion and dishonor in the process! While there will be some Muslims – both here and abroad – who will publicly sing his praises, I will not be among them.
I base my opinion on the following declarations from Al-Qur’an and Sunnah:
“If a man kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is hell to abide therein forever; the wrath and curse of God are upon him, and a dreadful penalty is prepared for him.” (Surah 4:93)
“He who is killed under the banner of a man who is blind (to the cause for which he is fighting), who gets flared up with family pride and fights for his tribe – is not from my Ummah. And whosoever attacks my followers (indiscriminately), killing the righteous and the wicked among them, sparing not even those who are staunch in faith, and fulfilling not his promise made with those who have been given a pledge of security – he has nothing to do with me, and I have nothing to do with him.” (Sahih Muslim Vol 3. Kitab al-Jihad #4555)
To the non-Muslim warmongers (on the ground, and in high places), who are celebrating the demise of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi right now – be assured that your day will also come, when you too will have to answer, to THE MOST JUST of judges, for the innocent blood on your hands.
El-Hajj Mauri’ Saalakhan
Director of Operations
The Peace And Justice Foundation
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