News and Analysis (7/29/14)

Attempts to kill two of Nigeria’s most prominent of Muslim leaders, Sheikh Dahiru Bauch and Muhmmadu Buhari occurred after the two declared Boko Haram’s actions “unislamic”:

ISIS continues to demolish both Christian sites in northern Iraq and Islamic landmarks that are hundreds of years old, as the residents of Mosul watch helplessly:

“Muslims in France have been largely successful” in integrating with the French society, yet Muslims are still “socially and politically marginalized, suffering from discrimination”:

A survey finds that “42 percent of Americans believe law enforcement is justified in using profiling tactics against Muslim-Americans and Arab-Americans,” especially after the recent acts of violence, conducted under the name of Islam:

Throughout the World,  Muslims break the fast and end Ramadan with Eid prayers …

… Obama marks Eid Al- Fitr by describing Muslims as ” The fabric of our nation,” noting that “the message of interfaith peace that poverty, conflict and disease affect all of humanity, and not of just any one faith” …

… but can the Palestinians hear that messages over the sounds of the bombs?

[V]igilante extremists — whose views on racial and religious purity evoke the Ku Klux Klan — are successfully exploiting [unfounded] fears to spark deadly anti-Muslim riots …

… while concentration camps in Burma highlight a humanitarian crisis where the Burmese government dismissed aid groups in the area, “leaving more than 700,000 people without proper medical care”:

Several Spanish actors speak out, urging the European Union to join them in condemning Israel’s bombing of civilians, as boy band One Direction’s Pakistani-British Muslim Zayn Malik receives death threats after expressing his support for Palestine:

… yet the “U.S. media is biased against Palestinians, using selective coverage, skewed opinion, and false balance to offer implicit support to Israel’s stance” …

… and the U.S. Congress wants to make the “Iron Dome” defending Israel even more effective, but won’t cut off funds for Israel’s immoral, ineffective, and counter-productive aggression in Gaza; making the moral and logistical imbalance even more one-sided …

… and encouraging Israel’s repitition of the tragic mistake of its attack on Lebanon in the 1980’s:

“Intense fighting in Benghazi, Libya’s second city, and battles between rival militias in the capital Tripoli have pushed the nation deeper into chaos after two weeks of the fiercest violence since the [Western-backed] civil war which ousted Muammar Gaddafi in 2011”:

A newspaper article attracted thousands of  critical comments from German politicians who described the article as ” racist” and demanded an apology from the Newspaper to German Muslims:









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