News and Analysis (12/10/14)

“If a white, American, Christian woman were to be [treated in some Muslim country as Aafia Siddiqui has been treated] … [w]ould we not demand that an international medical team be allowed to see her and evaluate her condition and her family be allowed to contact her?”:

A day after much publicised mass conversion, Muslim families have told local media that they were tricked into conversion and did not speak against the act “out of fear of violence”. Said one, “We were told we will get a ration card, Aadhar [ID] card, and that the police will not bother us. We are poor so what do we do?”:

Anti Islam protesters in Germany flood the streets. ‘The “Patriotic Europeans against the Islamisation of the West” (Pegida) is winning over more and more supporters, causing Germany’s Justice Minister Heiko Maas to call on all parties to openly denounce the right-wing, populist alliance.’:

Under Israeli occupation, planting olive trees can be a capital offense; no trial necessary:

“Recognizing the independent state of Palestine would be a symbolically important expression of Ireland’s support for the people of Palestine’s right to self determination” MP Dominic Hannigan …

… while Amos Oz, David Grossman and Abraham Yehoshua, prominent Israeli authors, have added their names to a petition calling on Europe to recognize Palestine’s Statehood:

“Instead of viewing Islam as ‘evil’ we should analyze the circumstances to hope to diminish future extremism…American Muslims have been subject to immense discrimination since 9/11.”:

The attempt to insulate Muslim children from Western culture, combined with a rote learning rather critical thinking approach to teaching Islam, leaves them prey to “Sheikh Google”:

“[P]rotesters who have faced Bahrain’s oppressive regime, campaigning for their own rights … clearly do not want the kind of regime that sits down to dinner with Queen Elizabeth one day while using British and American-made tear gas the next. They don’t want British Navy Bases”:

In Kenya, Muslims are demanding  changes in the way the mainstream media depicts Muslims, while Muslims leaders accused the media of “amplifying hard-line and reckless voices within the Muslim community while ignoring moderate and responsible voices.”:






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