The “Dharm Jagran Samiti (DJS) functionary …Â was reacting to the arrest of Nand Kishore Valmiki, a DJS activist [who] …Â was arrested on Tuesday for his alleged involvement in forcefully converting over 100 Muslims to Hinduism in Agra”:
“In Geneva, the international community delivered a stinging rebuke to Israel’s settlement construction in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, saying the practice violates Israel’s responsibilities as an occupying power” …
- Palestinians Set Deadline for Israeli Occupation (AP / abc News)
… while an EU procedural ruling that “inclusion of the group was not based on a ‘concrete examination’ of Hamas’s acts but on ‘imputations derived from the media and the internet’” paves the way for a more objective comparison of Hamas’s record and Israel’s” …
… and the European Parliament has finally voted to recognize statehood of Palestine “in principal.” The vote “was carried by 498 votes to 88 with 111 abstentions”:
Muslims and Jews come together in support of the victims of police brutality against African-Americans:
Despite the fear of a backlash after the Sydney Siege, the Australian community has shown solidarity through the “#illridewithyou” which has gone viral, “Silma Ihram, of the Australia Muslim Women’s Association, said she had faith that Australian would come together in the wake of tragedy.”:
“Physicians for Human Rights called [for]Â a commission of inquiry to examine the participation of CIA and private medical personnel in the interrogation program, including possible breaches of domestic and international laws”:
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