News and analysis (6/22/15)

Earlier the devout Muslim teenager “had organized and participated in scores of protests against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad…. After the IS takeover[,] horrified by the group’s approach to the faith, its draconian dictates, and its rules prohibiting girls from studying,” she “formed this small team to fight IS”:

After “a rebuke from the Islamic affairs ministry” the hot-headed Saudi preacher has apologized, but the comedian still faces “IS supporters on social media, with some literally calling for his head.” He says, “[I]t is the duty of artists to reveal the truth – even if they have to pay a price for doing so”:

Deeyah Khan aims to explain why British women join ISIS… “[a] great deal of racist violence is […] directed at Muslim women, who are more visible than men. This can leave women isolated and fearful; hyper-aware of their identity, which marks them out for hostility” …

… yet PM David Cameron continues to isolate Muslims from the rest of the society by connecting Islam with terrorism …

… and the struggle for Muslims in Dewsbury, England, against marginalization continues:

Former President Morsi’s trial is postponed and the regimes’ Protest Law, banning all protests with more than five people without prior permission, is challenged by protesters:

“Ahmed Mansour, one of Jazeera’s best-known journalists, was released after Egypt was unable to dispel concerns about the extradition process, the Berlin public prosecutor’s office said in a statement.” This came after an earlier foreign ministry statement against extradition to any country to face a death sentence”:

Sultan Hamengkubuwono X takes steps towards changing the succession order, enabling his daughter to become the next sultan. Conservatives dislike the idea for opening up the position for women; progressives accuse him of only trying to keep power in the family:






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