The Iran deal is not perfect, but critics need to remember that the alternative to a deal would most likely be worse:
- Israel’s Netanyahu is Pushing Hard Against Iran Nuclear Deal. But Others Are Pushing Back (Christian Science Monitor)
And therefore, the EU will back the deal, hoping it will push the US Congress to do the same:
- Europe to Back Iran Nuclear Deal in Signal to US Congress (Jerusalem Post)
A newly opened Palestinian TV station has been ordered to shut down, and the Ministry of Culture frequently cracks down on Arab or Israel-critic media, “Israel’s liberal [newspaper] Haaretz daily [calling it] ‘ugly’, ‘Stalinist’”:
- Israel’s Minister of Culture Cracks Down on TV Station for Palestinians (Middle East Eye)
While the analysis of what attracts people to terrorism may be accurate, it is not clear how Cameron will implement policies in a way that will not further alienate the Muslim community:
- Cameron Un-Veils Five-Year Plan to ‘Deglamorize’ Lure of Extremist Groups (Christian Science Monitor)
Playing on people’s fears from the Chattanooga shooting, presidential candidate Rand Paul calls for extra scrutiny of immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries …
- Report: Rand Paul Calls For Scrutiny of Muslims (USA Today)
… but no connection to any Islamic terrorist organizations have been found, and the recovery of the suspect’s diary reveals a picture of a man struggling with addiction and mental problems:
Daesh fighters are training young children how to behead, indoctrinating them with their disturbing interpretation of Islam; they have “given up” on the older generation, and now they “care about the new generation”:
- Under Islamic State, Children Trained to Behead at an Early Age (Huffington Post)
A queer Muslimah knows well-enough that some “attempts at queering the Quran … feel like stretches, like playing with words” and she relies “instead, on my faith, on my practice. My trust in justice, in mercy”:
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