News and Analysis (6/26/18)

By ruling that “when a president is acting within his executive authority, the court should defer to what the president says his intention is, no matter the underlying reality” the Supreme Court repeats its denial that “the internment of Japanese-Americans [was] based on racial prejudice” …

… “Iranian Americans … have worked hard for decades to become one of the most well-integrated and successful immigrant communities in this country…. The travel ban … [confirms that w]e aren’t wanted here. How could we be, if our relatives are viewed solely as security risks?”

“Hasan’s video relegates Islamic terminologies, which Muslim leaders and scholars have been working hard to reclaim, to the inaccurate definitions advanced by Islamophobes.” E.g., “Mullah” the term for scholar of law and theology becomes synonymous with “religious bigot”:

The series of pro-Palestinian resolutions endorsed by the Presbyterian Church (USA) included opposition to legislative attempts to deprive Americans of their right to boycott Israeli apartheid:

“The top military adviser to Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has warned that the country’s armed forces are prepared to handle any threat, even military action by the U.S., Israel and their allies”:

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is considered as a hub of terrorist money laundering for international criminals. While foreign nationals are allowed to buy property in the UAE, real estate market has been safe heaven for illicit money transfer:

Iran’s regional policy, which Trump wanted to change, has been unaffected, but domestic policy is changing — for the worse:






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