News and Analysis (7/6/18)

“[T]he sheer cruelty — the scope of the violation of human, i.e., natural individual, rights — of Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians warrants the concern of all who favor freedom and other (classical) liberal values: justice, social cooperation, free exchange, and peace” …

… but Trump and Kushner want the Palestinians to forget “superficial things like independence from the routine abuses and indignities of colonial oppression (that’s right; the same trifles Americans celebrated on July 4) — and focusing instead on what really matters: roads, jobs, and money”:

“We’re at a tipping point, where if this offensive really does go forward, it suddenly becomes a whole lot worse” –  Stephen Rapp, the former U.S. ambassador-at-large for war crimes:

The price of oil goes at least $10 high because of President Trump’s tweet as commented by the Islamic Republic’s OPEC governor, Hossein Kazempour Ardebili. This comment is perceived as taunting to President Trump:

“The 25-year-old began his walk to Palestine from Sweden nearly a year ago to raise awareness about human rights abuse in the occupied territory. After arriving at the Israeli border from Jordan, he was barred from entering Palestine and kept in custody for six hours”:

“Five world powers agreed with Iran on Friday to forge ahead with negotiations with the country and maintain its ability to export gas and oil as they seek to preserve a nuclear deal with Tehran despite the withdrawal of the United States”:

“At this point, countries may not be willing to sacrifice access to the U.S. economy for Iran, but forcing them to choose will certainly cost the United States political capital. And under the Trump administration, that capital is devaluing rapidly”:

“Iranian Central Bank governor Valiollah Seif said the secondary currency market would help ‘minor importers’ buy their dollars, and emphasized that the price of the dollar would be set according to market supply and demand…”:






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