News and Analysis (10/6/10)

“[F]aced with dwindling buying power, many Iranians are reconsidering their faith in the currency, a shift that could prove to be more significant than the sanctions”:

“With the advent of easy-to-use media like YouTube, the truth is coming to light about a culture of humiliation of the Palestinians,” said a report by Salam Fayyad, the Palestinian prime minister:

“Rabbi Menachem Froman, who went to Beit Fajjar to show solidarity with the Palestinians, said: “This visit is to say that although there are people who oppose peace, he who opposes peace is opposed to God”:

A “growing trend in contemporary Muslim communities in the United States in terms of that fusion of traditional cultures with the American culture, while maintaining a pride in their Islamic identity”:

“The design was meant to show “hints of tradition,” while the use of modern materials and glass panels would give an impression of translucence and “moving toward the future,” said Sharif el-Gamal, the project’s developer:

Wilders fails in his bid to remove a judge he accused of bias from his case:






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