News and Analysis (10/20/10)

A report that the CIA overlooked a critical intelligence source from the Jordanian General Intelligence Department (GID) as an “internal power play within Jordanian intelligence” turns up the heat:

The resistance of the Taliban to the idea that it has began talks with the Karzai regime suggests that the US and Afghani regime should have pursued peace talks long before the US sought to pull out:

The cancellation of Obama’s visit to the Sikh Golden Temple over “the thorny question of how Mr. Obama would cover his head, as Sikh tradition requires” shows how ignorance and prejudice can not only lead to problems for Muslims, but can spillover to other minorities as well:

US pressure for Iran’s largest trading partner to freeze Iranian assets is not only economically destabilizing for the Gulf cosmopolitan state, but politically destabilizing for Iran as well, cutting the Islamic Republic off from one of the most economically liberal states in the Middle East:

Russian nationalists try to sell their protest the building of the fifth mosque in Moscow as pro-green, as apposed to xenophobic, bringing an interesting twist on the “not in my backyard” mosque protests in NYC:

Activists say the move will stifle efforts to mobilize voters ahead of the upcoming elections:

“There are signs … that enforcement and respect for the university head scarf ban are slipping”:






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