News and Analysis (10/28/10)

Prince Alwaleed coming out against the construction of the mosque shows that the debate is not Muslim v. Christian America, but a conversation about the values of tolerance and liberty:

“Mary Brereton, 55, a personal trainer who lives in nearby Alexandria, Va., said she was more worried about the safety record of Metro’s subway trains than the potential for a terrorist attack”:

F-15 fighter jets and bunker buster bombs are a poor way to deescalate the situation with Iran; they rather give Iran the incentive to maintain balance by further arming themselves:

The Islamic Movement’s ideological differences with the Muslim Brotherhood can be explained by the former’s operational environment, a country that “treats the indigenous Palestinians” as immigrants:

“The National Organization for Defending Rights and Freedom in Yemen says at least 20 foreign-born Muslims have been deported from Yemen in 2010. No evidence suggests any of them had joined Al Qaeda”:

The “line towards what protesters describe as fascism was … crossed … at the beginnings of the Zionist project, which was built on a conquest of land and exclusively Jewish identity”:






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