Author: Hanan Hameed

  • News and Analysis (7/22/14)

    Exploring a “phenomenon that has been far more pervasive than the media, government officials, or community leaders have acknowledged” the new film “shines a light on the informants … actively enlisting young men who never demonstrated any inclinations toward engaging in violence”: The informants: Manufacturing Terror (Al-Jazeera) As the carnage continues … Israel Pounds Gaza…

  • News and Analysis (7/20/14)

    From London to New Zealand, from Libya to the Vatican, public expressions of solidarity with and concern for the people of Gaza … Tens of Thousands March to Israeli Embassy in Kensington for Free Palestine Protest (The Evening Standard) Thousands Attend Pro-Palestine Rally in New Zealand (PHOTOS, VIDEO) Libya’s Mufti Calls for Muslims to Support Gaza (Middle…

  • News and Analysis (7/18/14)

    As Israel promises more carnage … Israel Steps Up Gaza Ground Offensive, Civilian Casualties Grow (Reuters) … details emerge about the bizarre iftar at which President Obama defended Israel’s right to defend itself while ignoring Palestinian’s rights to defend themselves, demoralizing all the attendees except Israeli ambassador Ron Dermer who milled about isolated in the adjacent White…

  • News and Analysis (7/17/14)

    The minute the UN humanitarian truce ended, Israel initiated its threatened ground invasion … Gaza Cease-fire Affords Brief Respite, then a Buzz of Drones (Christian Science Monitor) Israel Starts Gaza Ground Offensive (BBC) … but some “Israelis have chosen to commemorate the dead in the latest Gaza conflict by spray painting surfaces in the southern city of…

  • News and Analysis (7/16/14)

    With the cease fire truce between Hamas and Israel foredoomed because “the proposal fashioned by Egypt was not discussed with Hamas leaders, who feel it suits Israel far more than them” … Why the Israel-Gaza Cease-Fire Failed (TIME) … the bombardment of Gaza continues … Israeli Strike Kills Four Boys Playing on Gaza Beach (AP /…

  • News and Analysis (7/15/14)

    Hamas’s inability to halt the impotent rocket barrage while it debated whether or not to accept the Egyptian proposed cease-fire allows Netanyahu to launch at least five Israeli airstrikes just as he makes the announcement blaming Hamas for his continuation of the predominantly civilian massacres: Cease-fire Effort Fails (CNN) Muslims are to boycott the White House…

  • News and Analysis (7/12/14)

    The Chinese government continues the its hopeless effort to force Muslims to break their fast, even forcing students “to dine with their professors, [so] those who refused risked sanction from university officials”: China’s War on Ramadan Sees Muslim Students Forced to Break Fast (Washington Post) The “ceaseless Israeli bombing campaign, with airstrikes every five minutes, has turned the…

  • News and Analysis (7/10/14)

    Keith Ellison, the first Muslim in the US congress, says that the FBI and NSA tracking of American Muslims is “ troubling” because it shows that they are targeted because of their religion, which undermines the nations progress towards freedom … Ellison: Profiling of American Muslims is ‘ Troubling’ (Star Tribune) … in contrast, “Islam…

  • News and Analysis (7/9/14)

    Five American Muslims “monitored by the NSA and FBI have all led highly public, outwardly exemplary lives. All five vehemently deny any involvement in terrorism or espionage, and none advocates violent jihad or is … implicated in any crime, despite years of intense scrutiny by the government and … press”: Meet the Muslim-American Leaders the…

  • News and Analysis (7/8/14)

    The racialization of Islamophobia has reached absurd proportions as a Latina Muslim loses her scholarship on the grounds that her Muslim religion makers her ineligible for a Latina scholarship: Muslim And Latina? Coed Claims She Lost Scholarship – And Eventually Got Expelled – Over Religion (Fox News Latino) The purpose of Ramadan is to strengthen one’s…

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