Author: Alejandro

  • News and Analysis (6/17/08)

    Insecurity and economic crisis in Yemen open the door for foreign-influenced religious vigilantes to impose their values on other Muslims: Stalking Yemen’s Streets: Self-Appointed Morals Police (Washington Post) Middle East expert Karl E. Meyer suggests America’s current proposed “security” negotiations with Iraq walks along the same imperialist path of 1930s Britain: Another Bad Deal for…

  • News and Analysis (6/16/08)

    European countries pursue new aggressive financial action against Iran: Britain, E.U. Announce Iran Sanctions (Washington Post) In negotiations for a new security framework, Iraqis seek to maintain their sovereignty: No Rushing Talks on Pact With U.S., Iraqis Say (New York Times) President of the Interfaith Alliance, Rev. Welton Gaddy argues that preservation of religious freedom…

  • News and Analysis (6/14-15/08)

    As negotiations for an extended US-led troop presence break down, PM Maliki says he may boot out foreign troops: Maliki Raises Possibility that Iraq Might Ask U.S. to Leave (McClatchy) New IAEA raises the possibility that former nuclear scientist A.Q. Khan may have sold Pakistan’s nuclear secrets to “foreign smugglers so that they could sell…

  • News and Analysis (6/13/08)

    “Habeas is not a ‘get out of jail free’ card… It just provides a fair, legitimate and independent sorting process to determine who should and who should not be held.”—Jonathan Hafetz, detainees’ defense lawyer Detention Camp Remains, but Not Its Rationale (Washington Post) “Isn’t it clear that terrorists want to destroy our freedom, and when…

  • News and Analysis (6/12/08)

    Basing itself on expert testimony and global opinion polling, Congressional committee report finds hypocritical policies, not rejection of culture or religious differences fuels anti-Americanism: Iraq, Perceived Hypocrisy Fuel Record Anti-Americanism: Report (AFP/Raw Story) American judges fight to uphold the rule of law, acknowledging Gitmo detainees’ right to challenge their detention in civilian courts, while newly…

  • News and Analysis (6/11/08)

    Former CIA operative Phil Giraldi investigates how along with American big brother, Tel Aviv’s massive penetration of security agencies also has them listening on people’s conservations: The Spy Who Loves Us (The American Conservative) In additional to the usual controversy over torture and coerced confessions, criticism of the Gitmo military tribunal process picks up further…

  • News and Analysis (6/10/08)

    In addition to banning the violent so-called “Islamic Defenders Front”, Indonesia’s president caves into pressure from extremist groups and also bans the Ahmadiyah movement, an act the Jakarta Post calls a blatant breach of religious freedom, a violation of the constitution and could set a precedent for further state inference in religious affairs: Govt Calls…

  • News and Analysis (6/9/08)

    The recent judicial decision to uphold the hijab ban, leads Turkey’s speaker of parliament and Human Rights Watch to call for revising the nation’s constitution to enforce separation of powers and uphold human rights, respectively: Turkish Speaker Seeks to Curtail Court’s Powers (Reuters/Washington Post) Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei expresses his opposition to a pending…

  • News and Analysis (6/7-8/08)

    A 46-page Seton Hall Law School report shows military investigators “missed many allegations of abuse at Guantanamo and omitted others from official reports”: Detainee’s Attorney Seeks Dismissal Over Abuse (Washington Post) Once on his last legs, Musharraf is able to declare that he will keep his job, thanks to a divided parliamentary opposition: Musharraf Vows…

  • News and Analysis (6/6/08)

    Investigative reporter Gareth Porter finds American negligence of Saddam’s old weapons stockpiles and poor accountability of arms transfers to the Iraqi government are the real arms suppliers to Iraqi militants, not Iran: Arming Our Own Enemies In Iraq (Salon) Turkey’s economy loses billions in foreign investment due to fears of secularist attempts to undemocratically close…

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