Month: October 2008

  • News and Analysis (10/31/08)

    McCain continues to campaign with ignorance and bigotry: An ‘Idiot Wind’ (Washington Post) Illegally profiling of Muslim immigrants conducted by the Department of Homeland Security: Inquiry Targeted 2,000 Foreign Muslims in 2004 (NY Times) Using Sharia law for guidance, Islamic banking practices are quickly gaining popularity: Islamic Banking: Steady in Shaky Times (Washington Post) Hoping…

  • News and Analysis (10/30/08)

    With provincial elections scheduled in January, Iraqi politicians remain committed to specific demands which help ensure Iraqi sovereignty: Senior Iraqi Leader Says Pact With U.S. Is Unlikely to Pass (Washington Post) “We don’t object to filters in school, libraries, or public places, but it’s a problem to decide what is suitable for an entire population…

  • Wayne Gilchrist, Rudyard Kipling, and Jacob Brownosky

    Congressman Wayne Gilchrist (R-MD) was among the speakers at a gala dinner sponsored by the Council for the National Interest (CNI) to honor Congressman Paul Findley, author of They Dare to Speak Out. CNI seeks to re-orient American foreign policy to the benefit of the United States rather than foreign countries. Congressman Gilchrist, who recently…

  • News and Analysis (10/29/08)

    Only five provinces remain in US control: US hands back province to Iraqis (Al Jazeera) “Without dialogue, we cannot have any sort of conclusion,” – Owais Ghani,  governor of the North-West Frontier Province Afghans, Pakistanis Opt to Talk to Taliban (Washington Post) The falling price of oil increases pressure on Arab markets: Slowdown in Persian…

  • News and Analysis (10/28/08)

    As with with the cross-border raids into Pakistani, “the [U.S.] military’s argument is that ‘you can only claim sovereignty if you enforce it,’”–Anthony Cordesman … U.S. Calls Raid a Warning to Syria (Washington Post) … but Iraq unexpectedly rebukes Washington’s actions and Syria accuses the US of “conducting a planned act of ‘criminal and terrorist…

  • News and Analysis (10/27/08)

    Reports indicate US forces illegally crossed into Syria to target insurgents: Syria and Iran Blame U.S. in Blast on Iraq Border (NY Times) “How can we possibly have a serious national unity dialogue with people who claim to be patriotic Palestinians in daylight hours while at night they coordinate with the Israeli army the next…

  • Exploring Connections Between the Economy and Foreign Policy

    Here are my answers to recent questions from Farspress about the relationship of the economic crisis on American foreign policy. Q- The U.S economy supremacy suffered from the U.S invasion to Afganistan and Iraq and the alleged “development of democracy.” How do you see the future of this trend? A. The disastrous collapse of the…

  • News and Analysis (10/25/08 – 10/26/08)

    An Israeli-linked non-profit that doesn’t disclose its donors or board members demonizes Muslims by distributing propaganda filmswith a pseudonymous producer and production manager: Group Swamps Swing States With Movie on Radical Islam (Washington Post) Sunni group accuses US forces of killing senior party official “in his bed” and detaining five others: Iraqi Party Suspends Ties…

  • News and Analysis (10/24/08)

    “Lepers. Untouchables. Politically radioactive” among the terms Muslims use to describe their treatment: US Muslim Voters are Election Year Outcasts (AP / Washington Post) Turkey continues to struggle between it’s liberal Islamic and authoritarian secular identity: Turkish Prime Minister’s Attempt to Lift Ban on Headscarves Ruled Anti-Secular (Guardian) Researching her master’s thesis on the status…

  • News and Analysis (10/23/08)

    Mirroring the “Awakening” movement in Iraq: Pakistan Will Give Arms to Tribal Militias (Washington Post) Refusal to release documents potentially proving claims of torture threatens damage to ties with Britain: U.S. Pressed to Turn Over Detainee Papers (Washington Post) Babil province becomes the 12th out of 18 provinces that Iraqi forces hold primary responsible for…

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