Month: October 2009

  • News and Analysis (10/30/09)

    Virtually assuring the election results will be contested with fraud charges, Afghani government will open more polling stations than UN recommended: Afghan Panel Overrides Warnings (Washington Post) Hosting Mustafa Barghouti and Anna Baltzer, John Stewart encounters strong pressure from the Israeli lobby: Daily Show Under Fire for Covering Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Raw Story) As Clinton squares…

  • News and Analysis (10/29/09)

    “While the new law addresses some of the defects of the military commissions, it fails to bring the tribunals in line with the Constitution and the Geneva Conventions” – Jameel Jaffer, director of the ACLU’s National Security Project: Obama Endorses Military Commissions for Guantánamo Detainees (Christian Science Monitor) Iranian amendments to the agreement include the…

  • News and Analysis (10/28/09)

    “They will only rise against the Taliban when they are convinced the government means business… But they have never been convinced.”- said Saifullah Mehsud, director of the FATA Research Center in Islamabad: Doubts Abound Among People of S. Waziristan (Washington Post) As Palestinian’s claim discrimination makes getting building permits “virtually impossible”, more homes are destroyed…

  • News and Analysis (10/27/09)

    Disenchanted by US policy, Foreign Service Officer Matthew Hoh resigned citing failure to understand the purpose of the Afghan War: U.S. Official Resigns Over Afghan War (Washington Post) “Israel is denying Palestinians adequate access to clean, safe water while allowing almost unlimited supplies to Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank” – Amnesty International Israel…

  • News and Analysis (10/26/09)

    Denied by US officials, the alleged incident highlights a “a strong undercurrent of anti-American sentiment” across Afghanistan: Afghans Protest Rumored Desecration of Koran by U.S. Troops (LA Times) As US forces evaluate the effect of troop increases in Afghanistan… U.S. Tested 2 Afghan Scenarios in War Game (Washington Post) … Abdullah contemplates boycotting the runoff…

  • News and Analysis (10/24-25/09)

    At least 10 people were injured and another 15 detained as Israeli forces shut down protesters and interrupted prayers: Israeli Police Raid Aqsa Compound (Al Jazeera) Although the missed deadline is likely an attempt to negotiate better terms… Iran Nuclear Deal: How Serious is Tehran’s Balk? (CS Monitor) … Parliamentary leader Larijani believes the proposed…

  • News and Analysis (10/23/09)

    As some expected, Iran is asking for changes: Iran Fails to Accept U.N.-drafted Nuclear Deal (Reuters) Government threats and intimidation have not silenced Mehdi Karroubi, emerging as the “most defiant opponent of the country’s leadership”: A Lone Cleric Is Loudly Defying Iran’s Leaders (NY Times) Michael Gerson opines that the goal of the Grand Mufti…

  • News and Analysis (10/22/09)

    ElBaradei says “the big picture [is] that this agreement could pave the way for a complete normalization of relations between Iran and the international community”: Iranian Officials Accept Draft Deal on Uranium Transfer (Washington Post) As Goldstone challenges the US to investigate the “flaws” in his investigation, believing most critics of the report have not…

  • Economic Reforms for Iran

    [I was recently interviewed by John Arvidsson and of the Swedish newspaper Nyheter24 about Iran’s economic situation. Here are my answers to his questions.] Q. Taking Iran’s economic and political situation as a starting point, which reforms in a direction of a free market are urgent to implement in Iran? How would the people benefit…

  • News and Analysis (10/21/09)

    Although previous sentences of this nature have been commuted, the decision illustrates the state of political freedom in Iran: Scholar Who Was Held After Disputed Iranian Election Is Given at Least 12 Years (NY Times) As Israel attempts to retroactively legalize its aggression in Gaza … Israel Push to Change Laws of War (Al Jazeera)…

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